What is the best light time schedule


Active Member
Hey gang thanks for reading this. It's my first grow. I have some from seed and some are clones. They have been under lights fan and mylar 24 / 7 for about 6 weeks. Should I keep that going or start reducing the lights ON! time? Thanaks for your help!


Well-Known Member
hi, i think it depends on your space, strain, style etc, then you can work things out,


Active Member
I switched from 24/0 to 20/4. Plant needs rest. It didn't stop mine from growing any faster. I think it actually boomed it a little bit.


Well-Known Member
I switched from 24/0 to 20/4. Plant needs rest. It didn't stop mine from growing any faster. I think it actually boomed it a little bit.
I am lead to believe that the dark period helps the root mass to develop more and allows the plant to release toxins etc.

If you were to have 2 of the same plant growing one on 24/0 and the other on 18/6 after a couple of weeks the one on the 18/6 would have a more developed root mass than the one on 24/0.

Growth would still be good but good roots means good plant which means a good yield.



Well-Known Member
you can also experiment with different strains, for instance my Northern Lights Special liked 16.15/7.45 grew an inch a day, everyday


Well-Known Member
I run 24/7 in veg.
Please take no offence as I'm not challenging anyone's personal preference on lighting.. I'm challenging the thought process behind it...

Plants aren't people. They don't need sleep. Their systems are designed to function while it can (during light hours)... the reason it slows down at night isn't because it needs the rest.. it's because the sun isn't there. It photosynthesis - and it relies on light to function. If my mothers needed sleep.. they wouldn't be alive according to the rational behind the "rest"period and that I would be tired if I was up for 6 weeks has nothing to do with it... I get tired if I'm up for 6 hours ;) my plants have been up for over a year, and every 2 weeks I cut the shit out of her to make all my clones, and every week she comes back full and ready.

It's the same type of thinking that lumens have anything to do with plants. lumens are for humans.

I say it's a personal preference and what you want from your plants - 18/6 is pretty standard for veg, and is likely the schedule you find most growers go by, I've read that 20/4 is the best only from an energy consumption stand point from the way I understand it.. and I go 24 hours a day on and get the results I want from my plants.. just my 2 cents, and that won't get you much but a different opinion these days..cheers.


Well-Known Member
you can also experiment with different strains, for instance my Northern Lights Special liked 16.15/7.45 grew an inch a day, everyday
Hey riddle ive never thought about things like that. Hmmmm interesting. I might try something like this later on in my growing life.

+rep for that idea bro.



Well-Known Member
I run 24/7 in veg.
Please take no offence as I'm not challenging anyone's personal preference on lighting.. I'm challenging the thought process behind it...

Plants aren't people. They don't need sleep. Their systems are designed to function while it can (during light hours)... the reason it slows down at night isn't because it needs the rest.. it's because the sun isn't there. It photosynthesis - and it relies on light to function. If my mothers needed sleep.. they wouldn't be alive according to the rational behind the "rest"period and that I would be tired if I was up for 6 weeks has nothing to do with it... I get tired if I'm up for 6 hours ;) my plants have been up for over a year, and every 2 weeks I cut the shit out of her to make all my clones, and every week she comes back full and ready.

It's the same type of thinking that lumens have anything to do with plants. lumens are for humans.

I say it's a personal preference and what you want from your plants - 18/6 is pretty standard for veg, and is likely the schedule you find most growers go by, I've read that 20/4 is the best only from an energy consumption stand point from the way I understand it.. and I go 24 hours a day on and get the results I want from my plants.. just my 2 cents, and that won't get you much but a different opinion these days..cheers.
What Cowell is saying is right, in the end it is all about what you want and how you grow, plants do perform task during the dark period but if there isn't one they will just wait does'nt cause a problem


Well-Known Member
Thanks Riddleme.. I feel like I've been following you around all day basically going "ya what he said"..lol.

When I started growing I thought there was a set of rules that had to be adhered to or your grow would go for a flop. Experience has taught me "less is more" and more importantly, that there are no absolutes in growing pot... as long as you have water light and air, you can grow weed. The more you tune your set up to be in optimal conditions the better they grow, and that what works for me, may not work for you, and vice versa.. after my break from RIU I'm glad to see upon returning that opposing opinions aren't being taken as an invitation to fight anymore.. that's way better!