What is the best way to harvest and leave enough plant to re veg for clones?


Active Member
I did not have the room to start clones after I found which were female. Closet grow dirt cfl. I am bout ready to harvest and I would really like to clone these plants. Any suggestions?


Active Member
clones are exact replicas of the plant you clone from, if you harvest and re-veg, you will produce stressed and confused plants that will probably be hermies, your better off just getting some new seeds. cloning must be done in the veg period.
hope that helps


Well-Known Member
Cloning needn't be done in the veg' stage.

Numerous people have had success taking clones at the same time as harvesting. I took clones from my flowering plant throughout the past two weeks, and she's been flowering for about 9-10 weeks now. One of them produced roots VERY quickly, the others are slower but certainly getting there. I didn't use any special product for it, just bunged the cuttings in water for a day or two (with darkness) and then into some basic compost.

As for re-veg'ing the same plant - try it! Let us know if it works and if it turns hermie, I'm very interested to know. With all those fully developed root systems it'd be fantastic if you could just throw the plant back into veg' mode. I think it'd be tricky though, and probably not worth the effort considering how long it takes for a plant to revert back into "veg' mode" when you also consider how quickly you can germinate and grow from seed.

Best of luck to you anyhoo.


Well-Known Member
in answer to your orginal post,,im not sure, am trying it out at the moe with one of my old plants. she was a good harvest and good smoke, I have left two lower branchs untouched with small buds on, just switched back to 18/6 with two(soon to be three) sweet dwarf seedlings, Im also a cfl grower but have just got a tent and 600w hps so thats where the flowering will happen but the cupboard is now the veg/clone room,,
so The two branchs are about 12ichs long with little foilage,maybe 4 leaves and small buds,,
she is also showing signs of a def,,think Mg, but that can be delt with as she still hasnt been givin any veg nutes,or anything since the final flush.,,
lets see what happens ay,,


Active Member
I re-vegged my Pure Power Plant ( Nirvana ) and my White Widow ( also Nirvana ). Here is how I did it. All plants where grown in soil, in 5 gal pots, under 400 watts indoors until harvest. Revegged plants where grown outdoors.

I left the bottom 1/3 of the plant untouched, with popcorn and small buds left on it. Harvested and cut off the top 2/3 of the plants.

Trimmed 1/2 to 2/3 of the rootball and re-planted in fresh soil.

Added some higher nitrogen ferts to give the plants a little 'boost'.

waited and watched for about 6 weeks thinking I may have killed the poor darlings.

The first sign of re-growth will happen around the existing buds, with small curly looking leaves. This looks a little strange, but is normal.

Of 6 plants I revegged, I had NO Hermies, and had a good 2nd harvest from all the plants. I also took clones from the re-vegged girls with no problem.

It just takes a little time and space, and patience. If you find an exceptional plant, with all the traites you want, but for some reason did not get clones earlier, than this is an excellent way to salvage the strain for your garden.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
This is just the topic I need to read on. I have a FEM WW from Dutch Passion and it is beautiful. I was growing it for The Party Cup Grow Off and the harvest date for the contest is Dec 24, 2010.

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Of all the seeds I have germinated and made mothers/clones, it is the best I have seen so far. I am going to finish the contest, harvest and then re-veg it so I can take clones. + rep for the info right when I need it.


Brick Top

New Member
I did not have the room to start clones after I found which were female. Closet grow dirt cfl. I am bout ready to harvest and I would really like to clone these plants. Any suggestions?

A Guide To Re-vegging

How does this happen?

Cannabis' life is governed by the hours of light it receives, if a plant is kept under a light for around 16 or more hours per day it will stay in the vegetative cycle indefinitely, if the light hours are reduced to around 12 hours per day the plant will go into flowering mode.
If, when the flowering has finished and the crop harvested the light's are put back to 16hrs per day, the plant will be forced back into the vegetative cycle.

What do you need to do?

It is surprisingly easy...
When harvesting your plant, try to leave quite a few bud sites intact at the bottom of your main stem, (as in the picture below). The more bud sites you leave intact, the bigger and bushier the new growth will be!

As well as switching the light back to 18/6, 20/4, 24/0 or whatever, the plants are going to need a feed as the nutrient levels in your soil will be very low, especially if you have flushed recently ready for harvest.
If it is possible, it is a good idea to re-pot your plant into an even bigger pot with good, fresh compost. If it is not possible to re-pot because of size restrictions etc then you'll need to give your plant/soil a feed to boost the N-P-K levels. I have found that one good feed is enough until new growth is established, and then occasional half strength feeds if needed.

New Growth

With the light's back to the veg cycle and the plant fed, the plant will start to grow new shoots. Usually it takes 2 or 3 weeks before any new shoots are noticed and the growth of the new shoots can look very strange, single leaves will grow aswell as other mutant looking leaves (as seen in the pic below). This is completely normal and after a couple of weeks growth the 'proper' leaves will start to appear.

How Long Do I Veg For?

As with all Cannabis plants, the longer you keep the plant in the re-veg cycle before switching to flowering, the bigger and better your plant will eventually become. Although, for best results it is better to wait until the re-vegged plant is producing a good amount of 'proper', full leaves again before switching to the flowering cycle.

A lot of growers who re-veg claim that the harvest the 2nd time around can double and sometimes triple the amount of the first crop!
Some growers also claim that re-vegged plants are not as potent as they were the 1st time around... In my experience this is not true!


As with re-vegging whole plants, it is quite possible to re-veg a plant from a clone/cutting taken from a plant in flower. (as in the pic below).

The exact same principles apply to clones. - For details on how to take clones (cuttings), see one of the stickies.

I hope that this quick guide helps a few of you guys who have an interest in re-vegging, but have not tried it.​


Active Member
Sorry to be so slow in thanking you for some great info! Here is what I ended up doing to my first plant before I read your info. I will do better with the next one.
harvest plant one 005.jpgharvest plant one 004.jpg