What Is The Dimmest Thing You Thought Was Funny?

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
what was the dumbest thing you thought was so funy you couldnt control yourself. then the next day people tell you what happened and you were like y was that so funny?

mine was about 4 years ago i was 14 and i smoked some WW for the first time well i was so high that i was just uncontrolably laughing and was at a party. well we get to my buddies house with some girls and were all chillin and smokin some more bud and watchin t.v and chillin well i was zoned out watchin the t.v that you could barely hear and all of a sudden a little cezars pizza come on and right before the commercial is over the little man with to toga and spear with the pizza on it popps out and says two words that i will never forget and am laughing right now.


i almost fuckin died of laughing that night.
no one could figure out what i was laughing at and i just kept saying pizza, pizza and laughing more and couldnt catch my breath. so finally i tell them and everyone just starts laughing like crazy.
it was some funny shit.

whats yours lol

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member

One time me and my buddies were all sitting around watching a video on the dvd and we decided to toke.....so we pause the dvd,.. we start puffing and then get blazed outta our minds. we are all sitting around stoned as fuck and kinda just staring all goo-goo eyed at each other and occasionally at the t.v. screen. mind you the dvd is still paused and showing the image of what was on when we paused the dvd,.... we are all still staring at each other and the television screen and after about 35 minutes one of my buddies gets up from the couch and shouts " Why are we staring at a guys ass fellas??!!" .....low and behold, there was an image of some dudes ass paused on the television screen , and we were staring at it for over half an hour and no one noticed....or if they did, they wasn't saying anything!!!

Roflmao,......just thought I would share that.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I watched sitcoms while drunk. I mean like serious funny and serious binge for years. I laughed my ass off at them all. . . now I am a little wierded out by that. rofl.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I once took some heroin and some vodka at this dude I knew from highschool's house. Him and his roomate were watching this movie, three hot chicks and one 90 year old having sex. I sorta came too and yelled "what the hell are we doing watching porn together, this porn!" They were only drunk, and when I said that they all yelled "thank you!"