what is the longest outdoor veg you have done?


Well-Known Member
so my question is simple...

how long is too long for outdoor vegging?

I have a plant that germinated Jan 21 and popped January 30. essentially been in veg since then outdoors, but now she's taking off and I might have a monster on my hands


Active Member
any pics? as far as ive heard you can veg a plant for a pretty damn long time! ive heard (not really necessary) of people keeping plants in veg from may and vegging it for a whole year and putting it out the following may, and that person yeilded damn near 10 lbs off that plant! but ive also seen people start plants in feb/march and plant in may and get 10 lbs off a plant! so its all in how you wanna roll, you know..


Well-Known Member
I start my plants every Jan. indoors & put them out in May, harvest Oct. So in 10 months they get huge!


E Scrizz

Well-Known Member
I started in january in a window and moved then in april to green house and they are almost 4-5 feet tall already