Fox Farm markets several excellent varieties. While some may consider their OCEAN FOREST too hot for seedlings, others disagree. Personally, I would start out with FoxFarm HAPPY FROG. It has microchrizae (sp?), microbes that aid root development. Some folks will tell you that it's Fox Farm's econo-blend. produces great yields (from what I've been told), and is less likely to present problems for the newbie. They also sell LIGHT WARRIOR (great for seedlings, too). Also, spend about $150.00 and get the Fox Farm nutes and ferts, including their Bush Doctor Kangaroots and/or Bush Doctor MICROBE BREW. The expense will reap manifold benefits. Like investing pennies and getting dollars in return. Don't be tempted to use anything from Miracle-Gro/Scott's unless you're growing Tomatoes or Marigolds. That time-release fertilizer may work on the pretty flowers in your neighboors garden, but likely, if your reading this, you're planning on growing something else One brand of Potting Soil that I haven't tried, but have heard good things about is PRO-MIX brand products. They have several varieties available at Menard's (didn''t see it at Lowe's or Depot). Good luck, and please remember, I only know how these soils work on legal herbs, flowers and vegetables (based on laws of the state I live in, using legal growing techniques). If any of the abovementioned products work for growing anything illegal in your locality, consider it pure coincidence. Good Luck!