What is the wattage comparison between LED and T5 for veg?


I am looking to setup a large (22'x14') veg room and am debating between going with T5s vs LED. What would be the comparison wattage wise between LEDs and T5s? I am trying to do a sizing/cost comparison to see which I should go with. Also if I go LEDs it would be a custom job and I am looking for a good spectrum/ratio recommendation. If it is not better to go with LEDs I will probably just stick with T5s.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
If you look at the cost/watt a HO 54w T-5x12 bulbs is theorhetically 608w. I'll suggest you do the research on how much area is covered by that T-5 vs the cost and coverage of and LED equivalent and compare the overall cost in electricity usage. Yoc can use mixed spectrum with both.

I'm a T-5 fan, but you'll get some LED guys touting their LED's, too.Take a look at Quantum:

Damn I'm ripped :)


Well-Known Member
I have 2 @ 2 X 4 tents- one HOT5 with aquarium bulbs, the other LED- a combination of a 3 yo UFO 90 (1w diodes: R/B 8:1)+ low watt screw bulb leds as supplements. I have a grow thread on IC with weekly pic updates. Due to supplementing, my ~ 80 LED w compares with ~ 300 HOT5w + >50K hours without bulb replacement

These 2 small tents keep me hopping. If I were going bigger, I would def go with LEDs. Check Astir LED Grow thread


Well-Known Member
250 watts of led will cover same area as 432 watts of t5. But led will veg must faster. Led will out perform any light in veg.

If you go t5 I found using a combination of say for one 8 bulb 6 5400k and 2 6500k. You can get those cheap from htg's ebay store. $46 for 8 pack. I've used aquarium bulbs vegging and flowering. That combo out performed everything I have tried with par t5 aquarium bulbs for veg.