What is this? abnormal growth?


New Member
So this little one is 12 days old and looks weird. One of the new leaves is curling under and is misshapen. The other leaves are curling up on the edges. It is in a 5 gal DWC with a 135W Blackstar LED 8 to 10 in. from the plant. I started nutes on day 8 if I remember correctly. The solution is GH flora and CaliMagic at 70ppm. Temps got a little high for a bit. Mid to upper 80s. Does this look like heat stress or a nute problem? This is my first grow and I have looked at a LOT of pics but nothing looks quite like it to my untrained eye. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Id hate for my first grow to be a total failure. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
I am wondering why the plant is so low in the Netpot, you should have hydroton above the holes, you may have algae problems later on.


i think its really cool how u are using grey rocks for an alternative to hydroton, but dude above it right, u should at least add more rocks or put some hydroton on top that way light can get to very moist areas and start algae or any time of funal or bacterial growth, but i seriously love the ghetto setup, eveything looks fine still though, like buds said, maybe some heat stress, leaves tend to start curling weird ways in the early stages of heat so it is what it looks like, good luck! ill be watching like the NSA!



New Member
Ok, I will fill it in ASAP. I started it so low thanks to some misinformation regarding the distance needed from the water to rockwool. It was not until I had roots through the net pot that I read that the grow medium (in this case washed and PHed pumice) will wick up ample water to the rockwool. I knew the light could become a problem, but was worried about crushing the seedling and put off filling the space around it. I have been using H202 with every res change (every 3-4 days) so maybe that's why nothing has grown yet. The lid I am using has holes drilled in it to allow the air lines into the bucket. I plan to drill new holes near the top of the bucket and taping the old holes on the lid to further lightproof the res. How do you guys feel about using panda poly around the base of the plant (kind of like a Christmas tree skirt)? Will the reduced air flow out of the res cause any problems? I don't recall ever seeing it on a DWC setup. Thanks again everyone, I really cant thank you enough.