What is this guy?!?!?!?!


Active Member
This Plant has been grown from seed under cfl's and natural light it. Here's the strange part is started as a regular plant would start from germ but when it sprouted it had 3 round starting leaves and has gone on to make an new set of three normal leaves with continued growth. Anyone know what this could be????

Check out the smaller growth pictures, sorry about the older blurry ones they're all I have:-|!

Clear ones are newest



Well-Known Member
The 3 leaf issue is just genetics of that plant. As for strain, definitely looks like an Indica. I am growing White Widow right now (about 4 weeks into veg) and your plant looks almost identical to mine. If so, sweet cuz it's supposed to be pretty potent! Good luck!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Just curious, when are you going to start flowering? I have 5 nodes on my fastest growers and about 9" tall. I think I might start this weekend....


Active Member
Not really sure, I have another of this strain that is quite a bit taller about 9-11" and very wide. This one is only about 4-5" and needs to grow more both are a month in but the smaller one was stunted for some reason. Yours are 9" and 4 weeks? I would need to know more or see them in a pic! how big is your grow room? lights? and stuff..:mrgreen: