What is this Roor precooler perc thing

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
Wait, people put carbon filters in their bongs now? Isn't that kind of counter intuitive?

I think that thing you're referring to is just an ash catcher with a percolator in it. That's what I would call it.


Well-Known Member
I've heard of a glycerin coil or something like that, maybe that's what it is.

edit: that looks like a normal ash catcher with tree perc's.

first video poster is an idiot thinking cannabinoids don't get you high, they work with thc to get you high. he says it's a carbon filter in the video but I've never heard of that for a roor.


Active Member
Glycerin Coils are neat. They move smoke through glycerin which stays liquid at low temps so you can get the smoke very chill. However I've only seen them as stand alone bongs. What I'm looking for is an additional chamber for a roor with percolators. An Ash Catcher is not exactly the same thing since they aren't supposed to be full of water, only just have a little bit. I'm not a big fan of ash catchers because you should be cleaning out your bong water regularly anyway. An external percolator makes a lot of sense to me, especially since my roor, the green goblin little sista seen here: http://www.everyonedoesit.com/online_headshop/Roor_Custom_Little_Icemaster_50__Green.cfm?iProductID=4423 could use another chamber for more cooling.

BTW, both the videos I previously posted do include activated charcoal filters below the bowl, you can see the filter here: http://www.everyonedoesit.com/online_headshop/Roor_Active_Carbon_Filter.cfm?iProductID=3522

Any additional info would be helpful, thanks again,

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
Huh. Active carbon absorbs pretty much everything. I can only imagine it's scrubbing some of the terpenes and cannabinoids out of the smoke.

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
That thing you circled is a catch can or expansion chamber to keep the dirty water from the ashcatcher from being sucked into the bong.