what is wrong now? :( is this nute burn? fox farm ocean forest

pic 2 looks exactly like mine i thought at first it was a mg def so i added epsom salts with the water and they still look like crap, i dont know what it could be and i didnt get any help either lets hope your favoured more than me


Active Member
hey guys! im on my first grow, so i dont have a WHOLE lot of experience, but lets see if i can help...

if your usin miracle grow, it has time release nutes that most small plants just cant handle, cept for a few strains that are used to heavy nute uptake. doesnt look like nute burn to me, nute burn the tips will yellow first, then turn brown and the leaf will start to cup (which urs dont seem to be doing)...reason for this is theyre tryin 2 save all the condensation they can for the extra moister...so i would probably go ahead and eliminate that, also since u been givin em nuttin but water...

as for the exact problem, i coudlnt say for sure, but my plants have had leaves to yellow and die from time to time from sprout till up even now halfway thru flower...from wat ive read, this is pretty normal and common. so really, just keep an eye on her, let her do her thing and see if the problem continues...just remember, ur leaves already discolored wont go bac to normal, so just keep eyes on the new growth..good luck to both of u!


Well-Known Member
i didnt read the whole thing if you didnt give any nutes then it wont be nute burn and they are too old to get it from the soil


Active Member
haha jesus i made the same mistake, didnt read the title...ok, so no miracle or time release, so yea, not nute burn...if anything, i would imagine a deficiency...they look old nuff to start givin em a hair bit, maybe 1/8th strength startin, and go from there


Active Member
thanks next watering i'll give em 25% ff grow big see how it goes. Maybe some big bloom. I just hope they don't completely die.