What is WRONG with my leafs? (thanks!)


So I've been looking through threads but can't really find any answers to help me out.
Growing hydroponics, using the Stealth Hydroponics System

Stealth Hydro pack nutrients (pre-mixed)

Have 2 airstones

6 gallon res

temperatures never exceed 70F

Exhaust and circulation fans present

pH is kept within 5.5-6.0

Awaiting ppm pen (nutrients are supposed to me made for perfect ppms when dissolved in the 6 gallons.)

Plants are almost 3 weeks old. CFL's are used for lighting at about 4 inches away on the AK and 3 inches on the OG.

one of the plants is experiencing some drooping, other is growing slower but not drooping:

5 more days and one plant is growing perfectly, other is still experiencing drooping despite having swapped places with the other (rotated lid of reservoir 180 degrees):

another 5 days, drooping continues for one plant and not the other despite several attempts to fix (ph raise, nutrient redution, water reservoir reduction, addition of h2o2), other one still going strong:

Plant that is drooping also having some problems with the leaves (dark tinges on some, yellow leaves on some): in total I would say about 4 leaves are affected, and for each leaf the percentage affected ranges from 1-20% or so :

Any idea why two plants would give two totally different results when they are in the same res (same ph, same nutrients, same temperature)? Is this a competition issue? I have even swapped their positions multiple times with no change.

Here is a better look at my pictures, these two leaves were getting me so mad I broke them off (they practically fell off)

Dorsal and ventral views are both there, notice how the largely damaged parts are visible from both views. Some affected areas are a shiny bronze colour
Thanks again for everyone's help



Active Member
Idk man, really new to growing myself. But will be watching this thread to see what the experienced people say. Very nicely detailed post, btw.


Active Member
In my experience, if you keep posting they'll eventually take notice. I had a similar problem with my outdoor grow over the summer (sub tropics is a terrible place to grow in the summer lol. Lots of heat stress) My fan leaves got stunted and turned downward. They would come off with he slightest agitation. then they got yellowing and nasty burn like lesions on the sides of them. I checked the soil ph and (according to the cheapy meter i had at the time) and it was below 5.0. I had tried to make a "Super Soil" before planting them, but it ended up nute burning/locking out nutes them and destroying my yield.

What are the temps in your grow area?


Active Member
I would private message Uncle Ben or Widow...
I'm a new grower too. But a few questions...
Are all plants the same strain? I don't see ph level... What is it? How often do you change out your res? Purple leaf tips could be P lock out... The brown appears to start from the middle of the leaf, so I think Mag too.
Good luck man.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
if i were you id flush with teas and Ro water for a weak . . def seem like a PH issue, not mag, but not PH of your nutrients or medium but the PH of the waste of the bacteria and bennies in your soil . . basically i think you have a soil imbalance

flush or leach out current environment and resupply a proper bacteria and bennies into your rhizo zone and soil , if you asked me what shit to re strengthen your soil with id say the tea formula from primordial solutions

what is your medium and style of nutrinets .. or delivery


Thanks for the replies guys

The pH was 5.5, bumped it up to 5.8 today. I am not growing in soil, as listed above, it is a hydroponic system. I got two airstones with a water pump bringing water to the roots.

Plants are not the same strain: one with problems is AK, one without is OG

I change my res once a week.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies guys

The pH was 5.5, bumped it up to 5.8 today. I am not growing in soil, as listed above, it is a hydroponic system. I got two airstones with a water pump bringing water to the roots.

Plants are not the same strain: one with problems is AK, one without is OG

I change my res once a week.
That tells us something. If AK is having trouble where og is not. I am wondering what your root system is like. Is there enough room for them? Read two threads in marijuana growing problems, moister stress and guide to newt deficiency. Both of those are very good. Maybe a pro will come across this thread and help out...
Good luck man.


Well its hydroponic in a 6 gallon res, as far as I know it is practically impossible to get 2 plants rootbound in a 6 gallon (from reading on forums, etc)

I have been using ph sticks, so I am going to invest into a digital ph meter

My roots are white, and look overall healthy to me.

After one day at higher ph I still do not see a difference. Hoping something will give soon and I can save this baby.


Thanks pen!

Lights are about 4 inches away, the og one is actually a little closer, about 3 inches. The res is what I have been using from the start.

I spent pretty much all day looking up stuff, and it pretty much looks similar to manganese deficiency, as the pictures here: https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/267716-help-i-cant-get-definitive.html in the second post

However the lower leaves on the plant are getting yellow tips (like nutrient burn), and some even appear very dark green (nitrogen issue?)

My OG continues to show no problems

New leaves on the AK are droopy but do not show the bronzing or yellowing.

Also not sure if this is stain specific but a lot of the leaves are VERY thin, but I know sativas tend to have long thin leaves.


Well-Known Member
looks quite similar to a problem i have. i think it was down to my pebbles being dirty when i planted.


I washed my pebbles pretty well. Anyone know a major chain in Ontario where I can grab some cal-mag? This will be my next remedy if pH doesn't help within 3 days.


Well-Known Member
I washed my pebbles pretty well. Anyone know a major chain in Ontario where I can grab some cal-mag? This will be my next remedy if pH doesn't help within 3 days.
how old are your plants man?mine are two and a half weeks old and and a little smaller than yours. mine are growing pretty slow too.


Well-Known Member
If your res water is over 78 degrees it will bring on the nasties which will eat up the nutrients that the plants need. Just throw a frozen 2 liter bottle of water in the res twice a day and that will lower the temps and go out and buy a aquarium thermometer.