What is your choice in c02?


Hello all,

I was looking for some input on my next C02 system. I am sure the majority of responses will be a tank with regulator. Due to stairs and refill expenses, the tanks became too much of a hassle for me. For the time being I have been using an astronomical amount of Exhale bags. I have to admit that the bags work; the change from the tank is noticeable but not detrimental (as far as yields and quality).

The bags expire soon and I have been noticing a recent decline in grown. Rather than invest a couple hundred in more bags, I would like to try something new. Tank/regulator setup is not an option for me until a stair less space is available. I was wondering about systems that mix "organic materials" or yeast mixtures etc.

Any help or input is greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
But I've seen good results from bottled/released yeast co2 but the quality I saw from it was eh lol but I've only seen one grow by a friend that used that method.


Well-Known Member
Even a small Mr. Heater propane unit with low oxygen shut off may work. This is not a recommendation by any means, just thinking out loud! I actually have one and may try it lol. Price of propane has doubled here so bottled CO2 may be the same :(.


The propane makes me nervous due to it being flammable. I am familiar with the concept of using yeast to make c02 (brew michigan style IPA with my brother whenever we get a change) but it seems that one chamber will be producing c02 for a day at most, leading to almost as much work as the tanks?

I am also looking into a few smaller tanks again, but the option does not seem realistic or affordable. what about things like these? http://www.dealzer.com/co2-boost-bucket-system.html?___store=default&gclid=CMWupJy5g70CFYFhMgod1GQAWQ.

I also am in need of a way to check to ppm levels, but have to wait for a few paychecks until I can purchase a digital meter. Is there any cheaper reliable way to check where my levels are at?