What kind of light will work?


Well-Known Member
I started some seeds quite a while ago and have some nice plant growing now. Problem is that the weather has been really terrible, and the plants are starting to show signs of sex. Already know ones a male for sure. I am thinking of putting them under a light for 18-6 to get them back to veg. What kind of light will work for that? Would a fluorescent light work?


Well-Known Member
Par.that is all young padawan, you must find you way using the force or search bar as uncool ppl call em noobs sections sweet


Well-Known Member
Most t5 or t8 flourescents will work just find the right tubes round the 6500k and 2500k range. I use a 4 x 2foot t5 unit but thats for plants upto one foot then they go under hps. Stay away from low wattage cfls, waste of time overall. Leds are a big subject and a bit too complex.