What kinda of deficiency is this?

get some cal mag for her, treat a little every so offten if its soil, but if its coco, wait for a coco grower to answer your questionj.
if you tell us a bit about your grow , you will get a better answer
the newer leaves look ok, so it may be a past problem, keep an eye on her.
has this just started happening?
could be, need a closer picture to see properly, but you usualy get a dark discolouring where the water touched the leaf
no, thats not from water splash.
has it just started, or was it as the leaf grew it showed up?
its allways best to use cal mag on your plants, they controle the growth
WHATS THE PH OF THE WATER YOU FEED THEM WITH,oops shouting again. and what type of water you feeding them, tap, well, bottled???