What light to use - Indoor Growbox

Hey guys!

My buddy and I is about to make our first grow. We've been reading through 100's of pages about growing and we are ready to jump in with both feet.
First we've build a 120cmx50cmx50cm grow box with two fans (btw is the fans needed to be running 24/7? they're the only thing keeping the box from being completely stealth).
We are planning to plant a fast auto flowering seed, because we need to finish it in 3 months (The box is made for a bigger plant, but we will do that after our auto flower plant has been harvested. I'm wondering what lights to use for the size of the box. We've looked into a 125w CFL, is that enough light for a single plant? And is it possible to only use one lamp through vegging- and flowing state?
We are not sure how to calculate how much lumen we need in the box, does any one know the perfect lamp for our grow box?

Best Regards From Denmark :)



Well-Known Member
i would use a 4' t5 light and yes its possible to use one light for the entire grow.. a good t5 will send you right on thru to bud.. fans are up to you and heat.. keep an eye o temps and go from there .. nice box


Well-Known Member
I agree, T5 is your best bet, it comes with 6500K lamps for veg and when you switch to 12/12 buy 3000K lamps for flowering, yes fans must be on 24/7 you need constant air circulation, good luck with your grow.