What nutes? advanced nutrients???

Stoned Crab

Active Member
Im 100% new to growing, Ive been reading everything I can on this site and I am learning much. I recently heard of advanced nutrients, I checked out their site and they have nutes for every part of your plant! I was only wondering if I get the nute that help leaf growth, and helps roots will this be of any benefit to my plants? If so buy how much? Im only growing 3 plants and I plan to lst them.

any info would help

my grow set up will be the stealth rubbermiad.


exactly like this ^^ Inspired :D


Well-Known Member
AN is great I use them, but you should try GH Flora Series and bump up to An.

What An nutes did you plan on using?


Well-Known Member
If you are new to growing i wouldn't suggest anything with the word advanced in it. Try going with "all in one" nutes like the veg stage, flower stage, etc. until you become good at mixing.

Stoned Crab

Active Member
I havent really looked into witch AN I would be buying, I havent found a store around here that sells them, I was just browseing the site and saw they offer somthing for everypart of the plant.


Well-Known Member
oh well you should look into GH flora series cheap but they are great nutes bra.
check out ya local hydro store;).

Stoned Crab

Active Member
I really need to find my local hydro store, the people at the gardening store are giving me wierd looks when I go in there.

Thanks for the advice !!


Well-Known Member
There isn't always a hydro store nearby, but even then you can buy stuff online.

Starting out with something cheap isn't necessarily a bad idea, but Advanced Nutrients isn't complicated to use. At least I don't think so.

It's mostly an issue of whether you want to learn on cheap stuff, which might not work as well/reliably but costs less if you make a mistake.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I like Advanced a lot but I'm pretty new to growing and it's all I've used. My first grow fully met my expectations and then some so I am continuing to use it for my second grow. If you do end up using AN this calendar/calculator deal will be quite helpful once you start to flower. Advanced Nutrients - Nutrient Calculator Make sure to choose the proper nutrient base on the scrolldowns and it tells you exactly what to give your plants. You definitely don't need everything on the list. For example, I use Monkey Juice as my base nute because I grow in coco, and I only used Monkey Juice Bloom A & B, and Overdrive and got wicked buds. Of course for the second round of plants I got a few more things from the list to see just how ridiculous my results can get:weed: One thing that does suck is that AN is not sold in every state. I can only get mine online or drive 2 hours each way across the state line. It's really lame actually. If that's the case in your state, I might consider getting started with another brand because I have run out before and had to switch to another brand in the middle of the grow. My plants didn't like it.


Well-Known Member
I suggest Fox Farms as it comes with a feeding schedule (the poster, not the directions on the bottle) and is newbie friendly.

Im using it and having great success so far.


Well-Known Member
One thing that does suck is that AN is not sold in every state. I can only get mine online or drive 2 hours each way across the state line. It's really lame actually. If that's the case in your state, I might consider getting started with another brand because I have run out before and had to switch to another brand in the middle of the grow. My plants didn't like it.
I just order online, it's much easier. Plus if you're paranoid about cops watching the hydro store you skip that problem. Just get enough to get through a whole grow with some to spare, no problems.