What point is "THE" point?


Well-Known Member
In regards to deciding a plant has stopped and/or will no longer be growing for whatever reason, how long do you typically wait before deciding it's done for good?


Well-Known Member
Id say that depends on a few factors
1. How much Green are you seeing?
2. How Many Dead Leaves are you seeing?
3.Genetics (Is She a Slow Vegger like Querkle)?
I say that because alot of Runt plants can be the best smoke in the end


Well-Known Member
Well, I do mean when something's wrong. I've got a seedling that isn't dying, but it isn't growing either. It's stayed the same while it's sister has grown more than twice the size, and it was one I had to replant due to stretch.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing ...............Bagseed?
Jerk the piece of shit and get a seed worth growing! The genetics are flawed and if you're having probs this early in the game, is it really worth it on a total unknown? Prolly some ditchweed/hemp cross that will never amount to shit. Don't waste your time.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing ...............Bagseed?
Jerk the piece of shit and get a seed worth growing! The genetics are flawed and if you're having probs this early in the game, is it really worth it on a total unknown? Prolly some ditchweed/hemp cross that will never amount to shit. Don't waste your time.
Yeah, it's bagseed. I'm new to growing, and not comfortable using good stuff to learn with for some reason. Bagseed - the ultimate experiment.


New Member
well sounds to me that either your ph as fluctuated and plant has stopped growing you kinda froze her up lol

could be a good thing if you have a high ppm in your medium

Fix is flush your girls till you get your desired ph if your in soil then work @ 6.8 once you add ph'd water catch your returns till you see 6.7 6. 8 ph then you have flushed goood enough chances are your ph is really low you will notice once this is done in like 3 days plants will start growing again ease in on your food and carry on :))

PS: note that keeping your medium in the dry range is always better then to wet


Well-Known Member
Well, I took the advice offered and pulled it. It was dead, something must've gone wrong when it was replanted for the stretch. Here's a pic of the other seedling though, it's doing fine.Piccy Pics 004.jpg