what ppms are you running in your res?

about what ppms is everybody running in veg and flower? my veg plants lower leaves are yellowing and dying in the last couple days since res change, ill get a pic up tomorrow. i'm using technaflora bc boost,(bloom/grow)thrive alive, awsome blossoms, magical and sugar daddy if that helps.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
What's up Rupert !?

I'm 12/12 from seed and 14 days in now. Doing DWC and already topped at the 3rd node. PPM's 445 and PH 5.8 with water temp @ 64F.
If your ppm's were too high you'd have nute burn and not yellowing from the bottom.
What is your PH and Temps ?
ph is 5.8-6.0 but the rez is gettin hot in veg(80-82 recently!) been fighting the rez temps(have 4 70+gal rez's to deal with so it get costly) i know the water temp needs to be around 68, is this my problem?


Active Member
For a total of 3 gallons of res solution in a 5 gallon bubbleponics bucket: 8 teaspoons of Botanicare Pro Gro in veg (18/6) at 4 weeks @560ppm, will transition with 4 tsp gro 4 tsp bloom next week (12/12), will bloom week after transition with 9 tsp of bloom


Well-Known Member
I usually try and keep it around max 1.4EC as my base and then I can add boosters and extra N near the end of the grow if needed.

I would say near the end of the flowering cycle my max EC with using boosters and ripen is never ever above 2EC depending on the strain. Some of my strains can only handle 1.7 before they start freaking out.

I am very picky with the strains I grow. If the pheno/strain is picky on nutes I wont keep it or grow it again. Just too much hassle. When I was growing in DWC buckets I used to have the EC real low throughout the grow. I found using a high EC almost held back the growth a bit rather then aiding in any way.

Hopefully when I start my aeroflo grows (if the damn chambers ever arrive) the way the plants like to eat their nutes will be similar to the DWC. Less is more kinda thing..

Like now I have 9 plants in coco into their second week of 12/12 and I am only on 1.2EC and they are very happy..
thanks, you're the shit. sooo, the veg is like 1350 and flowers like 1600+!!! and thats after i cut back to 1/4 of the nutes that were getting used before!!


Well-Known Member
Most of my girls like it best between 1.2-1.6 EC; one very heavy feeder can handle up to about 2.0 EC (that's as far as I've pushed her at least) but she is more stable around 1.6 EC, and I have a couple of girls who I keep it at about 1.0 EC because they're more sensitive.


Well-Known Member
Lucas formula, non-recovery drip irrigated hempys.

Lucas formula is 1320 @ 8ml micro / 16ml bloom on a .7 conv and RO water.

Ground up

Active Member
if your res is heating up ,take about a gallon of nutrients from rez and freeze it and then put it back in in the afternoon,it cools it down big time
vh13- thanks, sounds like alot of people are in that area

sappy- wow 3000! i'm around 1800 in flower, if my leaves are yellowing/dying should i raise or lower?

ground up- great idea, i'm tryin that tomorrow!


Active Member
I Believe its natural for the lower leaves to die off during flower as it has very limited nitrogen and the plant is sucking it all up from the lower leaves to produce bud, you could add some nutes with nitrogen aswell to get green leaves back but it wont make to much of a diff to your yield just plants will look healthier,
Sum1 correct me if i'm wrong im still pretty new to this:)


Well-Known Member
if your in flower u will see some yellowing but yeh u dont wanna see it take over.your better off having high n to save your leaves then to have high pk.
if your plants are not in flower and yellowing on the botton them your probly not changing your res water quick enuff , every 7 days should be fine
cool guys, thanks. just brought some new stuff over from veg and my rez now is 1000ppm 5.5ph for the new stuff comin over!
question- using technaflora if i have to top off a rez and add nutes for ppm. when u mix it the first time you have to add BOOST first, if i'm topping off and adding do i need to add boost first again or just add my grow/bloom?


Hay man its totaly up to the strain iv learnt sum strains need weak nutes and some require heavy fedding there is a great guide on this site called "Leaf symptoms". my advice would be start low and work your way up i wouldnt go higher then 1500ppm tho:joint::joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
3000 PPM ? Did he mean 2000 ? Never heard of anyone going that high.

I run 300 very early veg and 600-700 later veg. I now keep it at 600-700 first week of bloom then up it to 1200-1300 second week from there.