Well-Known Member
instead of everyone complaining about RIU lets all do something to improve it! here's some of mine;
1. growfaq needs to be rewritten. has anyone ever gone into growfaq and looked at what it says about ph?? everyone that comes in here is not a scientest, simplify!!!
2. growfaqs needs a better step by step tutorial for each of the different ways of growing, soil,hydro,aero, etc.. if RIU asked some of the more experienced growers to write a better explaination about their different ways of growing. these tutorials must include pictures on the different phases of the grow.if growfaqs was written better the less questions you will have in the threads.
3. RIU needs a picture gallery that not only includes pictures of different types of grows, but also includes what a healthy plant is suppose to look like at different stages of grows. again the experienced growers can contribute pictures of healthy plants and RIU staff can look at all submitted photos to be chosen for growfaqs.
4. compile a better group of pictures of unhealty plants so newbies like me can use it to compare it w/ their own unhealty plants.
i can go on but these are just the tip of the iceberg. RIU needs a face lift. lets give it one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. growfaq needs to be rewritten. has anyone ever gone into growfaq and looked at what it says about ph?? everyone that comes in here is not a scientest, simplify!!!
2. growfaqs needs a better step by step tutorial for each of the different ways of growing, soil,hydro,aero, etc.. if RIU asked some of the more experienced growers to write a better explaination about their different ways of growing. these tutorials must include pictures on the different phases of the grow.if growfaqs was written better the less questions you will have in the threads.
3. RIU needs a picture gallery that not only includes pictures of different types of grows, but also includes what a healthy plant is suppose to look like at different stages of grows. again the experienced growers can contribute pictures of healthy plants and RIU staff can look at all submitted photos to be chosen for growfaqs.
4. compile a better group of pictures of unhealty plants so newbies like me can use it to compare it w/ their own unhealty plants.
i can go on but these are just the tip of the iceberg. RIU needs a face lift. lets give it one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!