What should i do with 2 herms??


Active Member
I recently bought a 10 pack of "feminized" seeds, all 10 germinated no problem. I vegged them for a month, all have been nice and healthy with no problems. They have been in 12/12 for 10 days now and are finally showing there sex. So far I believe I have 8 females and 2 herms. Is this normal for feminized seeds?. Second question, What should I do with them? First thought is to just get rid of them and not have to worry about the pollen floating around. Then I thought what If i stuck em in my veg room and pulled them out every day after 12 hours? Would I get anything to smoke off em? Would the seeds that came from them be "feminized"? The first herm has alot more male sacks than it does female flowers, but the second one has alot of flowers and a couple sacks. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
think about it is it really worth alll that work for a coupple hermies, yes you will get some bud but there is still the chance that there will b alittle pollen floating around, you got 8 females isnt that plenty of bud


Active Member
8 is a start. I forgot to mention that I took 30 clones from the 10 when they were vegging. Now I have 6 herm clones to find next time. I should have marked which clones came from where, but i have never used feminized seeds before and I thought they would all be female. Call this a learning experience I guess.


Well-Known Member
haha yeah well i just dont think it would be worth it, i mean if they were your only plants i would say go for it


Active Member
I now have 3 herms, it seems like every time I go in my flower room there is another one. Starting to regret paying extra for the "feminized" seeds. Not to mention the clones I already made.:evil:


Well-Known Member
Are you sure that conditions aren't stressing them into becoming herms? How hot does your grow area get? Also, where did you buy the seeds?


Active Member
My flower room is anywhere from 25 to 27 degrees celcius. There are no light leaks, so I am pretty sure it is not from stress. The seeds are from MDANZIG and they are Blueberry.


Active Member
For now I am praying the 10 mk ultra seeds im germinating have better results. They are not feminized though. I am thinking it wont hurt as much to chop down a plant that is completely male, compared to a plant that I can already see flowers on.


Active Member
I have decided I am going to chop down the one with lots of male parts. And I am going to remove the few male parts off of the other two that have lots of flowers already. Hopefully I dont miss any and pollinate my whole crop.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't risk the 80% for 20%..... if you can get them outside or somewhere away from the ladies...that pollen can get around.....


Active Member
I know nothing about outdoor growing. Is it too late in the season to put em outside?. Wouldn't that stress the shit out of em? When you throw up numbers like 80% for 20% it kinda makes sense. My lights come on in an hour and they r coming out of there. Where they end up im not sure yet but im not risking 7 amazing females. Thanx for the advice.


stays relevant.
if i had two hermies, i would dress them up, take them to a bar in new mexico, and pimp em out! :)


Well-Known Member
If i were you i would get a spray bottle and mist them down very well and put a bag over them and chop them down before your hole crop has seeds. Then i would throw them in a paper bag and dry them with all of your scrap cuttings and make some bubble hash or brownies out of them. That's what i do with mine and i and get some nice bubble hash and baked goodies out of them. As a matter of fact i am going to make some bubble in a few minutes.


Active Member
So the end result is I killed the one that had mostly male parts. And I have moved the other two outside, Im not sure if they are in a good spot to get enough sunlight but I will let them do there thing. As for the flower room it now contains seven beutiful blueberry ladies. averaging at 4 and a half feet, except one dwarf. Ill post some pics of them soon.


Active Member
I thought two of my bling kushes were herms but the things that looked like sacks spat out white hairs after all.

are the herms forming sacs in groups or just single?

you never know, sometimes you can mistake fems for herms imo


Active Member
There are some pics of them here on rollitup when they were in veg. I started a journal but got no reply's to my thread so I havent posted any more pics. The thread is called BLUEBERRY and it is in grow journals.


Active Member
No these are definitely banana shaped pollen sacks. Unfortunately I wont be getting any pics of them cause im not running around outside with a camera LOL. But ill get some of my ladies on here tommorrow.