what should i do with this doll

I've had so much going on lately I don't even know how many weeks this plant is from seed. I would like to get a clone from it and bonsai a few of them instead of having huge mothers. What's your opinion? If I had to say the age of it..I'm guessing maybe around the 30 day mark. Does this look right to you veterans? I know it's a shame, I'm just in such a funk right now. If you hadn't guessed, it's my first sucessful kept plant so far so I'm not too keen on the mastering things yet, so I come here for input. I feel like its too short and not tall enough for the age. Getting huge fan leaves everytime I check up on it, but I can't say much for seeing it grow taller. Maybe the depression is just screwing up my time line ability.



Well-Known Member
All I can say is I hope it ain't a male... I'd ALWAYS go with three or four times the number of females u will want, knowing u have about a 50/50 shot at a female... Helluva gamble for me to waste a month or two on, just to find out its a male, and haveta start ALL over again... Looks healthy tho... And feminized seeds blow... Always havin ta watch for naners...
Honestly the seeds I have came from bud. I wouldn't buy feminized because I've heard so many bad things about it lol but the bud I had literately had almost 150 seeds in it. about 100 of them were very healthy looking seeds. But I used bad (free) peat pellets from a promo box and I think they were the cause of something bad with the other seeds because for this plant I used burpee and I've had success with it. I have a few more seedlings growing that I can't wait to clone for sex as well but no where near the size of this plant. I guess I'm ahead of myself lol. How much longer should I wait before I clone for sex? I hope it is not a male either. I'll shoot myself. The discoloration on the bottom was when I first gave it it's 1/4 strength feed I guess it was a little too soon but it recovered in a week or so, then drank tons of the water up. I just want to get some bonsai mums going so I have plenty of clones blah