What should i do?


so i bought these seeds

Buddha marijuana (cannabis) seeds Pure Sativa

which im guessing now are really shitty ones since they keep going down in price.

but yeah. ive had them since april and have been vegging for about a month and half when they were about a foot tall. i bought a 250 hps and switched the lights to 12/12 and still there has been no sign of anything. no preflowers. the plant jusst keeps branching and fooling me everytime. the things that id say are preflowers just look like thicker stipules.

should i invest in some fox farm open sesame?

also since flowering time is 10-12 weeks should i just release these into the wild and start over with some better quality seeds?


Well-Known Member
pure sativa can be a very long wait, frustration understood
when you say the wild, you mean putting outside?
that would probably be a very good idea if you have a good spot for them


Well-Known Member
sativas will grow tall and as your r 100% sativa expect x-mas trees, also 250 hps will cause more stretch as well, all in all ...hope u hv height room
good luck keep us posted