what soil should i use if i live in the uk


Active Member
every one says to use that fox soil shit or whatever but i cant find it any where what soil do the uk growers use?

is soil really that important would any general based growing soil do?


Well-Known Member
B&Q seedling and cutting soil is good and fairly inexpensive.
i used morrisons seedling and cutting compost on my last grow and i found it brilliant!and its only 40 litres for like 2.49 pretty good deal i think.
or you could order online from a hydroshop.
hope you find soil.
peace out man


Well-Known Member
I just used B&Q multi-purpose compost, 2 150l bags for a tenner if it's still on offer. I don't thnk its the best but its working pretty good for me at the moment. make sure to get loads of perlite too