what the hell are these lil fyuckres ?????


Well-Known Member
so i have been battling a case of spider mites as i do every time i bring a plant in from outside.. this year i wanted to keep my blue widow and blue dream from dying off so i cut clones off the girls and i have them in my 2 drawer file cabinet grow box with a 24'' t5 for lighting.. anyway i had to spray them with azamax and i went back the next day and only a few mights moving so i wait another day to not kill my clones. and i lift one of the leaves and find these fyuckin things.. ANY CLUE??? i am dying here .. i went today and bought the ecofriendly spray with mint oils and stuff.. as recommended to people from the riu bug thread.. i have even tried the chilli pepper spray with no results.. bugs (3).jpg bugs (2).jpg


Well-Known Member
thought about it.. taking a lighter and going under the leaves and just a light flame under each leave..


Well-Known Member
yep very pretty .. and fukin annoying.. i cut off the leaf and sprayed it with bleach water and the next day it was just the leaf left.. can't figure what it was in an inclosed cabinet.. clones have since been moved into there flood n drain (baby bloomer)..no more signs of bugs after using that eco friendly stuff from home depot..stinks to high heaven but it works....