What the hell is this ??


Active Member
I have a white powder on my fan leaves ,mold ?? temp is 70 humidity is 50 % lots of air movement ,what caused this and how do i get rid of this ,Happy Farming ,Cajun:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
without a pic it definetly sounds like powdrey mildew, like buds says try a sulphur candle. theres a thread on the diy section to make them i think.


Well-Known Member
powdery mildew for sure. No it doesn,t come out of thin air, but mold and mildew spores are everywhere...yes everywhere.

you can go the sulphur route, I just use serenade (its a fungicide). It's cheap and effective and OMRI listed. If you have a big boner about doing things the natural way you can use baking soda or milk sprays as well. I just don't like fucking with the PH of my leaves that much.
