What to do about a Hermie?


Had this baby ... start as a girl ... now I see balls... to kill or not to kill that is my question


Active Member
If it truely hermied and came from crappy bag seed I'd toss it but if it good genetics keep it and use what should be feminized seeds from it in your next grow


Well-Known Member
Is it your only plant? Is it 1 of 4? Keep it and pick the balls off(my oppinion) if you have 5 or more plants I say kill it. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Take off the male flowers, grow it, dry it, and smoke it.

Why are people so afraid of a few seeds?


Well-Known Member
Yep, I have 14 plants in my grow tent. 3 are hermies. I just give them a good look over every time I water and pluck what ever male flowers I find off. Yeah, I am going to find a few seeds here and there...no big deal really. It's not like I let a male sit in there and have its way with my ladies for an entire grow (or day for that matter).

I'd hold onto it if it's a good looking plant and only a mild hermie. Just pluck off the male flowers as they show (try to do this away from your other girls to cut down on chances of seeds). If it starts popping male flowers like crazy...kill it..more hassle than its worth.