what to do after harvest to make butter


hey there dudes,
im harvesting today and was wondering what to do with my smaller buds and sugar leaves to makes cannabutter. i understand the process but what i dont get yet is immedieatly after harvest should it be left to dry for a week with the rest of the harvest or should i immediately try and do something with it today.
Yeah leave it dry with the rest of the buds.

Personally I make butter with all my sugar leaves and popcorn nugs that arn't worth smoking.

I break up all my bud and leaves removing as many stems as possible. Whilst doing this set the oven to 150C exactly (this varies person to person) I use an oven thermometer as oven dials and gas marks are inaccurate for the level of care you need.

I bake the bud and leaves on grease proof paper in the centre of the oven next to the thermometer for seven and a half minutes. You'll notice a buddy smell fill your kitchen so careful if it's an illegal grow.

Once the 7.5 mins (again times vary person to person) have past remove the bud and leave to cool. Bud will look slightly golden in colour and be fucking dry as fuck.

Add around an inch or two of water in to a slow cooker and add approx 1.2kg of butter and allow to melt. Add the bud I normally end up with about 6/8oz of bits of leave and bud (pre baked) in to the slow cooker with the melted butter and water mix.

Water is important as the butter sits on top and prevents to much heat exposure during infusion. Don't worry will get out later.

Cover with lid leave on low for 3-4 hours, looks like shit at this point and dark. Pour and strain through a cheese cloth material in to a container. Make sure you squeeze every last bit out of it.

Bin the strained leaves and leave the butter in a cool place to set. As the butter set the emulsified soultion will seperate cannabis butter a light green colour at the top manky brown water the the bottom.

Break the cannabis butter out of the container and throw away the water (remelt and repeat for a lower water content again)

Careful with it though you have no idea how strong it will be
The way that I was taught was to grind up the dried flowers and sugar leaves and put them into a frying pan with the butter at the lowest heat and then after about forty minutes your ground up buds and leaves should turn brown and then you take the frying pan off the heat and strain the butter to get out all the now useless cannabis matter (I left it in, but you're supposed to strain it out by right) Then you have your butter. I did this but I cooked with it straight away afterwards and so I'm unsure about freezing it but I'm guessing that it would be just fine. I don't know if this is the right way or the best way but it worked for me and the madeira cakes that I made were absolutely knockout, so I guess it works, but you might need a good cooker, that's all. I'm thinking too much heat would be a disaster. I just put the ring on the lowest setting, and that's how I was taught to do it as well, and it worked just fine. But if you have a gas cooker it could be much harder to control the heat so watch out for that if you decide to go the route that I have explained here. It sounds like the most simple way to go if you're looking for a basic way, or don't have an oven thermometer.
hey there dudes,
im harvesting today and was wondering what to do with my smaller buds and sugar leaves to makes cannabutter. i understand the process but what i dont get yet is immedieatly after harvest should it be left to dry for a week with the rest of the harvest or should i immediately try and do something with it today.
google "easy cannabutter"
read a few articles, then a few more