what to do for leadpoisoning


New Member
shot myself with an air rifle on 420, got what looks like might be an infection starting at the entrywound.....been "stomach sick" since....any thoughts, old remedies, suggestions? I dont believe in doctors and witchcraft, so fuck going to the hospital....


Well-Known Member
shot myself with an air rifle on 420, got what looks like might be an infection starting at the entrywound.....been "stomach sick" since....any thoughts, old remedies, suggestions? I dont believe in doctors and witchcraft, so fuck going to the hospital....
Unfortunaty lead poisoning causes.....check the mirror. I'd be more worried about the infection killing you.............:o


Well-Known Member
dude take your ass to the hospital. No matter how you feel about doctors it's nothing you can do about it. I hate doctors too, but sometimes you have to suck it up and go.


New Member


not gunna happen. if i die, natural selection.

i refuse to be "worked" on

people have been surviving Gun shot wounds since the revolutionary war, granted they lost a limb or something....

Fuck all that, theres gotta be some age-old remedy for getting shot in the gullet.:evil:


New Member
im hoping someone will post something like...take 5 fan leaves, put peanutbutter and jelly on the wound and use the fan leaves to cover the afflicted area...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
"Lead is removed through a process called chelation, using drugs to bind to the metal in the bloodstream, flushing it out in the urine. Medications include calcium-disodium (EDTA), which is usually administered intravenously over several days in a hospital, and succimer (DMSA), which does not require hospitalization. Succimer (Chemet) has become the preferred chelating agent for less severe cases because it can be given by mouth." - HealthScout.com

I guess if you have access to a hospital supply room and an IV then you're straight. Otherwise, a trip to the doctors might be in order. I don't know if dying from lead poisoning from a pellet gun really qualifies as being natural evolution...


Well-Known Member
wow....with all due respect, you're an idiot.

stop being so stubborn and take your ass to the emergency room.


New Member
ok, you front the bill and ill pay ya back. i dont have health insurance. did that ever occur to you?

you(the people)_ always think theres an easy solution. do you think i would be asking people on a pot forum how to fix a GSW if i could simply go to the E.R.?


anyhow....anyone know any quick fixes aside from tweezing this bitch outa my side?


Well-Known Member
Haha. It's still in you? Yea... might want to pull out the tweezers and rubbing alcohol. There are such things as free clinics though.


Well-Known Member
You might get sick but shouldn't die. Lead ld50 is 100mg per kg, so for you it's like 8g of lead. However, I would be very concerned about the infection. Get to a doctor.


New Member
infection can be fought with salt and rubbing alcohol, im not at the pussing stage, just the "yellowing" bruise...so i reckon ill cut the bruising with a razor and drain it, then have a go at it with steel wool, tweezers and peroxide....

cheers! bottle 3 of beam has been initiated!

my local liqor store loves me :clap:


New Member
ok so here's the plan. Band-Aids.
and antiseptic....neosporeon.....

holler back for the guy that gets pulled at every metal detector!:hump:


Well-Known Member
damn if your to scared to go to the er then its your problem so stop fucking whining about it. I hate going too but if i'm sick i suck it and go. be an adult about it. Peace.


New Member
Strange priorities, that's all I have to say.

so you dont live in america?

23$ for a bottle of "pain reliever(jimbeam)"

as opposed to a 2300$ plan for a healthcare?

im sorry i live in a trailer and cant afford healthcare. im sorry im not as "prioritized as you"

on second thought, no im not. im drunk, and fuck you. in true american fashion, you can suck my dick. i havent got the cash for healthcare, so fuck you i wish i was in canada. lord knows i could sell pot and still have money left over for a minor GSW if i was up a country....


Active Member
i think your just worried, if you think you will be alright you have a better chance of pulling through something. I would remove that shit from your insides if you havent already. If you dont beleive in hospitals you better man up the old fashion way, drink a ton and get your friend in their with some tweazers. It sucks but lead poisining is serious.