what to do in this phase


Active Member

there are currently 20 plants in 6.5 gallon pots each in 48-50 day vegetation, height about 30-35 inches without the pot.

recently I've put another 30 plants in 2 gallon pots each on vegetation, they are 7-10 days old ,height 3-7 inches.

the plants in 6.5 gallon pots have been topped once and are going huge and just making new branches, a lot of them. if I let them like that for another 20-25 days, I don't know how big they will grow and with too many branches. I usually get focused to take down the lower branches on the plant so the upper ones get more light.

What should I do with the plants in 6.5 gallon pots, switch them to 12/12 and the small ones (30 plants) throw in a box on 18/6 until they grow, or maybe start pruning OR lolipopping the 6.5 gallon pot plants or just keep taking down their lower growth cause they have already 10-15 branches that are under the main top growth. I am asking this because if I let them sit just like that for another 20-25 days, might have problems with too many branches on them.

Also another question, should I remove the big plants lower leafs that aren't getting any light. some people say I should, some that they need it. They are all still green even getting no light.

First time growing in > 3 gallon pots, so I don't know what to expect.

Please give me a suggestion, what to do with them. The space is big enough for all of them, working under 3x600 HPS, 1x400 MH.

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Well-Known Member
There going to grow a Lot more when you switch them to 12/12 so if your concerned about growth I would take that into consideration .

Also if you've got the room to keep the smaller one's in veg separately or even flower separately I would unless they've got there own lighting as I imagine if not the larger ones could impact on there growth.

I haven't personally done much pruning or lollipopping and wouldn't really pull any healthy green fan leaves , but have received advice to trim the lower section so that the plant focuses more on the top which recieves most light.

Hope this helps .
Noobs advice


Well-Known Member
I look at leaf removal as productive thinning... not just for light penetration but air flow as well.. don't be afraid of removing leaves... I would thin and then flower your big girls.. move the others to veg longer... then move em in
as they get bigger... staggering them will mean a constant yield.. That's how I kept up with 8 patients...


Active Member
Appreciate for your answers guys, I think I'll go with supercroping, haven't done it yet ever. I will listen to your suggestions by little and take down a few leafs earlier. I must say I'm still a starter. I usually removed healthly fan leaves in week 2-3 of flowering when the stretch finishes and lollipop 2-3 days earlier. Is there anything wrong with that? At the end of the flowering I usually can't get trichomes on the buds, maybe a bad strain.


Active Member
Appreciate moondance, I will go through the videos in the evening. I'm still looking where is the official channel. Nice plant too!, flushing?


Well-Known Member
It is set up but I have been so busy that I have no content yet on mine, but do some searching around and question everything bud lol. I dont want to link anything up yet till I run my ad next month on here. I am opening Nov. 1st though pm for the instagram page for updates.


Well-Known Member
Do you always shower with your plant? Am I missing something?
Sometimes it's great to relax with your plants ROFLOL. I had washed a pollen dusting off from 2 weeks earlier, everything had taken at that point so I was showering the excess flour pollen off of it, cakes a little takes the shower to get her clean.


Active Member
Only pics. will tell if switch is due. Remember these plants will almost double in size. Think space. 50 plants by a not very experienced grower. I admire your ambition.
There will be photos soon. Need to get my hands on a camera or a phone that has a camera. :)

Plants are stretching, 5-6.5 feet tall. Going good, will be lolipopping a few lower branches in a couple of days. Thank you guys. Will put photos soon.
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