What to do with a male plant


Moderatrix of Journals
unless you're an experienced or knowledgeable breeder, kill that dude so he doesn't knock up the whole neighbourhood and get rid of him as far away as possible....


Active Member
Gay things :-)
Breed,throw or window sil for decoration.You should keep if his good and Breed for seeds.


Well-Known Member
You can always quarantine it and collect it's pollen, if it is a desirable strain that is. You can use the pollen to cross breed with another strain's female.


Well-Known Member
or you coluld straight go texas chainsaw massacre style on it, wear patches of it sewn together as a face hiding your disfigured and..... sorry, ranting. kill it, unless you want the pollen.


Well-Known Member
First grow? Keep it away from your females, or contain its balls. Then practice on it, topping, stressing and what ever fucking else you can think of that my baked mind cant right now. Go all out on it, see what your plant can take, great way to learn.

Also I hear you can make hash out of the male plant.