What to do with extra seeds?


Active Member
I'm thinking about making an order to the attitude seed bank, because of the promotion they are running. I want to know what is the best way to keep your seeds for a period of time and still be a good seed come time to plant?


Well-Known Member
just keep them in a sealed bag (like a zip-lock style bag). Or hell, use a ziplock baggy.. and put them in a drawer somewhere in your house. As long as the seeds are kept cool and out of high humidity areas (to keep from premature germination and bacteria/molds).. make sure they stay in a dry; cool; low humidity area.. and they'll keep for a while.

good luck.


Active Member
I have about 400 seeds from a male plant that i grew that was green crack awhile back. I keep them in a zip lock bag and they sprout every time! ;)


Well-Known Member
Put them in the freezer in small separate bags in an air tight jar - like the ones we use to cure marijuana - just to keep seeds completely dry. Freezer is the absolutely best way to keep the seeds for a looong time - like more than 5 years and they will still sprout like... well something that sprouts very nice ;O))


Active Member
Cool. Thanks alot folks. I was just having such a hard time passing up that offer from attitude. I just didn't know how to store them, cause I def can't grow 12 plants at once!!! Imma three plant kinda guy!! Lmao


Active Member
Ok then just thought you folks might want to know. So I ordered 5 feminized seeds Barneys Farm LSD and I am getting 10 free seeds from dynafem and the UFO Freebies!!! I am so stoked