what to do with male plant besides make seeds? sad to kill :(


so sad news i ended up with 3 males...i dont want to pollinated the females and need to get rid of them asap!!! just wondering if u guys had any suggestions on what else i can do with them? cooking...hash... or are they just doomed for death?? :roll:


Well-Known Member
You can learn how to top/prune/clone with them.

Personally, I recommend throwing them in the sun for awhile until they are 3+ feet tall. Then transplant them into a freeway median or some other high traffic area.


Active Member
ahahah are you recommending he walk into a jail and say arrest me because if he has an indoor grow going no need trying to transplant them into a high traffic area because if he gets busted transplanting them they will most definately search his house as well. i say if you like the strain and it seems fairly healthy flower them and take the pollen sacks for future breeding otherwise kill them and make a nice dressing with some thc tincture and take the leaves and have a nice salad that way you get something for your work and their death wont be in vein


Well-Known Member
Well he might get arrested...but it's also possible that the plant could grow a couple more feet before someone pulled it.

Maybe it's just me but I think a five foot cannabis plant would look pretty funny on the side of the road.