what to do with new seed after harvest?


Well-Known Member
i just cut a auto today and i found 17 seed on the girl.no seed in bud but found at stem at base of buds along main stem---not a male in sight.will they be fem seed?i need to store these seed plus more for later.do i let sit out before bagging seed.then what till spring?


Scientia Cannabis
Impossible to say if they will be, the seeds will more likely be prone to hermy.
Some strains develop seeds at the end of flowering, it can be because of many things, incl. stress, genetics etc.


Well-Known Member
Was this an outdoor grow, or indoor?

Outdoor grow, and you might have gotten contamination from a stray outdoor male. If so, its really impossible to know what the final genetics of the seeds will be. The father could be anything from some super-high potency strain to worthless ditchweed/hemp.

Indoors its more likely that you had self-pollenization from a hermaphrodite.

Only way to know for sure what you have is to plant the seeds. Let them dry out normally in air (no heat, no cure) for a week or two, keep them in a cool dry place, then plant when ready.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same boat man, though I've only found 1-2 seeds per plant. Mine were outdoor, no males around. So it must have been self pollination. I plan on germing mine by January, starting them off indoors, planting outdoor first week of June and hopefully pulling a pound plus on each one.