What type of license needed to sell to MMJ facilities?


Active Member
What are the rules and regulations behind selling product to a medical or retail facility? Are there special licenses needed, etc? Or do MMJ facilities just 1099 you for tax purposes?
You are unable to sell cannabis to a dispensary. It must be grown by the dispensary or bought from a different dispensary at wholesale. Sorry about your plans... You need to work for the dispensary and have a badge.
as a home grower you cannot sell to anyone. as a legal, licensed by the state grow facility you can sell wholesale to rec or med shops depending on the license you hold. Unless you are hired as a grower by a shop you cant grow for profit at all and then we are talking about large 3-4k plant count up to 10-20k plant grow operations .
No plans. So you need to be an employee of the dispensary. I.E. On payroll and grow within their authorized grow rooms?

dispensaries grow their own or they can purchase no more than 30% of their sales volume from another dispensary. in the future they can purchase it from a state licensed wholesale grower, for which licensing will be opening up next year. currently there is no permissible way for a dispensary to purchase cannabis product from anyone other than another cannabis dispensary and sadly there is no foreseeable future in home growers being able to sell their product to dispensaries.
blast? might be the wrong tread but ...a MiP can process material for a center.
that being said lots of build out to be done to make a kitchen compliant for
extractions to be done there and of course closed loop only and if not UL listed then its a big chunk of change
to get your system evaluated by an independent engineer for the system to be ok'd for use
Yeah I just here a lot of my friends call making BHO "blasting" I guess because they blast it through a tube. I didn't know you were required to run a close looped system. I read a couple months ago were mahtma (I think that's how you spell their name?) blew up their facility due to blasting in a tube instead of a closed system so I didn't know that, but am very unkowledgeable when it comes to laws with dispensaries/MIP's, etc.

As far as being the right thread.. I had just posted that because was sort of suggesting it as an alternative option for the OP as opposed to selling to dispensaries since you can not do that here. Did not know about all of the requirements though, I personally had not looked into it. Thanks for the info!
The closed loop system is a relatively new requirement I believe, past few months new. You have to do a closed loop system to avoid flammability and safety issues. You have to recapture the chemicals used but I don't think there are any requirements for how many times you have to use it or what you do with the chemical after you've run it closed loop.

They've done a pretty good job separating the home grower and the growing and distribution network.
The closed loop system is a relatively new requirement I believe, past few months new. You have to do a closed loop system to avoid flammability and safety issues. You have to recapture the chemicals used but I don't think there are any requirements for how many times you have to use it or what you do with the chemical after you've run it closed loop.

They've done a pretty good job separating the home grower and the growing and distribution network.
Ah I gotcha, that makes sense. Thank for this informative post.

Sort of sucks too, but it's probably a good thing.. It's not that way in all medical states atm is it?