What water is best???


HI all. Just a quick question again :)
I had a thought last night about what water would be best. At the moment I use tap water left over night to clear the chlorine and then add my nutes to. I get the water ph level to 5.5 and near the end of the week when it gets to 6.4 ph I re-new the water and nutes again. At the end of every solution, I flush the plats with round 5.5/6ph distilled water.

So my question, would tap water with nutes or distilled water with nutes work best??

I thought the tap water would work best as there are disolved solids in it but I'm no professional just yet :)


Well-Known Member
distilled water. RO water being better i hear. been thinking about buying a RO unit soon. you can actually get them for like $200. i thought they were more expensive than that.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
I live in Merced, Ca, and are tap water works just fine.So If your water taste good, then maybe tap water would be the way to go.

If you plants are nice and green just keep using what you're using.

no clue

Well-Known Member
This run I am using rain water only including germinating. Almost 6 weeks in and so far so good

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
If you can drink it then so can your plants.Unless the chlorine smell is very strong it is ok since plants do uptake trace amounts of it and plays a small role.Hard tap with mineral build around faucets can cause a toxicity when combined with a high strength complete fert.Only time I alter my tap is in my dwc cloner by running thru a Brita filter.I see faster rooting and healthier clones by doing this.