What, when and how to feed your plants?


Hi all!,

Could some explain to me when its best to (if at all) foliar feed, and with what? When to add epsom salts (if at all)
I have to my disposal:

Organic Seaweed liquid
FloraNova Grow (brown goo)
Flora Bloom (pink)
Epsom Salts

Growing with Ionic Grow and Bloom.

Can i make a foliar feed with maxicrop and some h202? or
FloraNoava Grow mixed at 350-400 tds?

Some guidance here would be hugely appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Foilar feeding...or hand spraying the nutes on the leaves can be done at any time, 20 times per day should you wish, but just UNlike conventional feeding,....the plant will take take only what it wants, where as when you drop the nute to the medium, the plant MUST absorb the nutes, and then get burnt to fuck, its not like the plant has a choice ...lol, foilar is best for noobs who delay harvesting by burn the plants with too much nutes.

For those who grow indoor under hps/Mh best time to feed foilar is when the lights turn on and have yet to warm up, spray/feed now ..before the heat dries it to the leaf...or any fan sucks the spray out!
of your list Seaweed is the best and my favorite, half a teaspoon to a spritz bottle fill with warm water and shake and spray 2x times per day, refresh bottle after 4 days

Organic Seaweed liquid ......best and organic
Maxicrop ...not used but to commercial for me
FloraNova Grow (brown goo)...not used
Flora Bloom (pink)...not used
Rhizotonic .. used once thought it was something else
Silicon ..for strong stems
Epsom Salts ...for (Mg) def
H202 ..bleach or sodium peroxide for cleaning ..?

A list of grow chemicals that have a specific use, most growers stick to 1-2 ferts, but most will need Epsom salts and peroxide some day


Nice one for the reply!

I use rhizotonic for clones and stuff, but it says you can foliar feed too, but its got seaweed in it to, so would you alternate feedings?
There just so many things you can do, surely the plant ends up getting nute lock?

So espsom salts are not part of a routine schedule, just for deficiencies?

I was adding h202 to the res, seems to increase root growth by adding more oxygen.

thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Discussing your list with my minions...we are of the opinion that you have acquired these nutes dumpster jumping or a plain gift, from a noobie grower who has tossed his lot in and given you his stuff....? perhaps...if so the only one to use at this stage of your education is stick to one only ...perhaps the kelp extract, one teaspoon per 10 days, dilute to 1 gallon of water feed after a watering is best, assuming your plants are older that 2-3 weeks, and are not in bud yet!


Haha, no dumpster jumping, but have acquired some and bought a few like ionic.
Im not sure the organic seaweed is kelp in particular, it doesnt say, looks muddy greeny/brown tho, stinks of the sea. :)

So add that kelp about the same time as the ionic at res change? mostly at veg time and into some flowering.
Not bother as a foliar feed?

Im going to add this Ripen 10 days at the end, just on it own in water. It works as a flushing agent and extra ripener... apparently.

I heard some good stuff about maxicrop, what do you not like about it?

Thanks man.


Still dont know what to do with this Flora Bloom (pink 0.5.4), seems like a waste. some say its like pk 13/14 and to use it towards the end for bigger buds, some say all that stuff dont work..