What would be a good medium for outdoor growing?

What would be a good grow medium for growing plants outdoor? I plan on growing them in the ground and would like to know what the composition or soil brand I should get.


Active Member
I've been using bordines soil with pretty good results. The ph test showed 6.5 and it drains well. Looks like there is plenty of vermiculite and peat moss mixed in to lighten it up. I think next year I'm going to mix in some compost. You may also want to check out Fox Farms ocean forest soil. I've heard it's great but I haven't had a chance to try it yet.


Well-Known Member
go with Fox Farms Ocean Forrest Soil. It like 15$ a bag. Mix that with like 20% to 30% perlite.

Use this soil with adjusted Ph water and you will have good results. Full sun and some good genetics helps.

Get some fox farms grow big also.

Good luck.