What would you do?

Smoke purp drink purp

Active Member
i'm currently looking at some videos on YouTube and stumbled across this one and made me wonder...what would other people say about this...and what better to put it on here ^_^ here is a link to a video that i think the officer needs to get his ass beat and what would you do if it was your kid getting harrassed like this...when they did NOTHING!!

YouTube - balimore cops V.S. skateboarder

Smoke purp drink purp

Active Member
i agree...if i had cops like that from around here...(which peoria is known for it) i would seriously file a lawsuit faster then they can say "sorry"


Well-Known Member
I hope that dude got fired or the parents atleast had some balls to do something about him. He was on a major power trip or something.
He probably wanted to be a skater when he was younger and was never accepted...so he now hates them...hahaha.


Well-Known Member
that pissed me off so much, i know im not in the kids shoes n dont really know what it would be like but from here i would have wanted to tell the cop, to go fuck himself take me to jail where i can deal with level headed people, that cop sounds like someone who would get his kids taken away for abuse


Well-Known Member
that cop is a peice of shit.. he talkin about no respect fuk that fukin officer rivarie or w/e that fukin fuk tart name is WHAT?> DID HE JUST SAY SOME1 WAS GONNA KILL HIM? wtf wat LOL


Well-Known Member
that is ridiculous, that kid should have had that cop take him to his mom's house and showed her the video of the cop putting her son in a choke hold, then see what she has to say to that cop..

cops are asses:hump:

Smoke purp drink purp

Active Member
yeah for one...why would a cop tell a kid that someone was gunna kill him and two...why would a cop tackle a 14 yr old kid to the ground...fucked up ppl we got in this world with power...


Well-Known Member
man leave the cop alone
its the cops job
cops have to put up with every asshole who hates them every day
its the worst job ever but they do it to better our lives
so for that respect them more anyone
and i know if someone blasted on my the cops got my back


Well-Known Member
i respect cops, not him, someone on that much of a power trip really shouldnt be in that buisness a good cop is a cop who keeps his cool in all situations your dads supposed to yell at you. imsure you've all seen the video of the guy whos gets pulled over in the mountains some where n goes bulistic on the cop and throws his ticket back at the cop and the cop keeps his cool, thats a good cop

Smoke purp drink purp

Active Member
man leave the cop alone
its the cops job
cops have to put up with every asshole who hates them every day
its the worst job ever but they do it to better our lives
so for that respect them more anyone
and i know if someone blasted on my the cops got my back

yeah but doing that whole big ass scene wasnt really necessary for a skateboarding violation...he could have been cool and been like "Please dont skateboard here" he had to be a dick and go and do that...and i also wonder what he did when he found out he was on camera


Well-Known Member
If that was my son i would beat the total fuck outta that cop then tell him"You know what happens when you act like you did? Someone kills you, Just be thankfull it wasnt me"


Well-Known Member
man leave the cop alone
its the cops job
cops have to put up with every asshole who hates them every day
its the worst job ever but they do it to better our lives
so for that respect them more anyone
and i know if someone blasted on my the cops got my back
He is paid with our tax dollars and just cause hes having a bad day doesnt mean he can treat everyone else like shit.
If he cant excel in all aspects of his career (like customer service) he shouldnt have the privileges he has. Fuck that cop. I hate cops that are on a fuckin power trip. I have cop friends that are cool so Im not hatin on all cops just ones that act like that.


Well-Known Member
Nice to hear the cop did get suspended though...hes a 17-year veteran and he doesnt have any more sense than that?


Well-Known Member
i dunno i say those cops gotta deal with those punk kids everyday....cause they won't listen to no skate boarding signs...there up there so the dumb ass's arent putting skate wax all over shit or crack there head open and sue the city for not stopping them from doing it...

and then the punk kids think that since there only 14 that the cops can't do shit to them...so they get lippy trying to act cool in front of there friends... like that kid was saying shit but he was mumbleing it cause he was scared but wanted to look cool in front of his friends.....

but hey just my opinion......

I just don't think a cop would risk his job just to push around some kid....those kid's probally give him shit all the time..... and i say they do need some respect...... if it were me i would of smashed the camera and tazed all the little bastards and would bet all my money no one would give me shit anymore around there.... they'd know you don't give no lip to Officer Dubbuh
