What would you wish upon humanity if you were God?

What would you wish upon humanity if you were God?

I try to look at life from different angles and hope to find motivation that could give it a different twist in order to move forwards.

I 'm not realy depressed or something, just a little stuck in life as I lack in motivation to move on differently.

So what are we hoping for?

-Some "brave new world" experience? (the movie)

-Some stable Global "North korea" situation in wich we all came to accept our faith that this was all that's possible to reach for humanity?

-Following the eternal cycle of bondage leading to spirituality, spirituality leading to courage, courage leading to liberty, liberty leading to prospherity, prospherity leading to depencence, dependence leading to bondage etc...

I like to think there is a degree of Divinity in us, and I am wondering what it's hopes are and to achieve fucking what?

I also like to think that the actual Divine does n't give a flying fuck about nothing so the only Divine that probably does is now beeing given a chance to poor it out on this message board.

So what are your hopes? but please keep it realistic somehow and please, better skip the part of 'us' colonising the universe, UFO raptures & Jezus-shit and what not.

Maybe try to think fromout a position that you are God and created your own little 'fishtank' (earth).
A place where everything was left on it's own and to devellop all by itself but without your interference...
Then what are your hopes that this tank and it's inhabitants would turn into?

See the areas that I highlighted? This will offend some. The thread will prolly go ´south´ from there as the saying goes, so please do not respond if you are offended by any of this.

This thread is ment as a tool to ME, hoping to find certain answers in life & solve my motivational crisis.
about YOU and your urge to tell someone on the internet he's wrong!

Thanks in advance ppl :)

So just your hopes please ;)


Ursus marijanus
Your protestations notwithstanding, offthehook ... I will begin with a comment on the bolded. As an atheist and perhaps even agnostic, I do not know that I carry a spark of divinity. I question the entire concept of soul.
As for whether there is an engaged, external divine or not, that is where my agnosticism seems to lie, and I won't belabor the point.

That done, I will now play by your rules.
~deep breath~ if I were God, and the Universe and its seedling Humanity my creations ...
My highest aspiration would be to procreate. I would want Nature (as I framed it) to have the potential to bring forth minds that could one day match and even exceed my own.
So for those minds I would need to prepare an environment that captures the golden optimum of comfort and challenge. Too much comfort, and people wither. too much challenge, and they wear down.
As a felicitous consequence, people faced with just the right amount of challenge are not only the most productive, the most contributing to the race's advancement ... but thy also seem to be happiest.

But here's the thing. Parents (those sneaks by training!) know that their children play very differently if they think they might be watched. Perhaps a similar principle would apply to a superparent. Given the harsh binary choice between being known as the god-creator (and involved in micromanaging mankind) vs. staying hidden (and allowing us our own failures and triumphs, even at the cost of our profound cosmic loneliness) i would choose the latter. It's a sad platitude about mankind that adversity builds character, while ease erodes it. I would hope and plan and wait for the day when that tyranny of the morality of hardship is no longer necessary ... because on that day my race of beloved creatures would enter adulthood.
I been reading your post several times Cannabineer and found it verry interesting & inspiring.
Thanks for playing by the rules btw :)
Even the part in defyence of my request was fair enough. I personally don't know what I am in that respect, I can think up all kinds of schools of thought without necesarily having the need to stick to only one or the urge to defend some.
I guess to me it is merely thought play.


Ursus marijanus
<post obviously edited.>

I invite you to tell me what you think of my response. I also invite you to expand on what you mean by using this as a tool to solve a motivational crisis. Motivation is something that has abandoned me these past few years, so I am very sympathetic. cn
I don't seem to find an actual 'stance' on your responce CB, I merely let it float in my head and notice the things you would like to get us improved upon.
I noticed I do find recognition when comparing your hopes to mines.

By using this as a tool to solve my motivational crisis I mean something like this:

I assume you are a Divine beeing. Never mind the soul, in my thought play we are human beeings having a spiritual experience as well as that we are spirits having a human experience.
Our beeing Divine and/or beeing spirits I would call beeing the same thing. eg, our interactions will carry on, with, or without us knowing it, it will help us shape our world as it is, hence making us Divine.
By sharing your hopes with me, you are interacting on a Divine level from this point of view.
I would like to see what peoples hopes are and become inspired by them. I sense that it is in our 'Divine hope' that we can grasp our future. The hope that interacts with the world. Maybe the hope that we all collectively carry around in our innerbeeing.
By asking ppl in this thread to show this part of their inner beeing I hope to discover the sense of our beeing and the direction in wich we wish to be heading for, hence giving me the motivation to work on going into that direction, or maybe just trying to accept or adept to the fact that we wish to be going into this collective direction.

For that, someone will first need to tell me their hopes as I am not able to think up everyones elses hopes all by my self.'

All peoples hopes combined would equal ONE hell of a power imo.


Ursus marijanus
In that case I might not be a very useful guide.
At this point, it's my firm belief that divine, spirit, soul (all interconnected ideas) are not signal but noise. I am convinced that man's basic condition is a deep and utter loneliness.

So the task, the duty and challenge, become -
... to carry on, to move forward, to generate a sense of purpose entirely from within.

What i find interesting is that while you invoke the presence and action of spirit, and I otoh speak of its absence and impotence ... our aims still converge: the quest for purpose, for direction, for doing meaningful things with the few decades allotted us. Theists and atheists pretty much want the same things and have very similar moralities, once the imposed superstructure of religious language and control is ignored.

I have a sense of inner being that probably compares well with yours, but it's founded on the very different belief that "I am my meat", and that spirit is an illusion.
And despite these differences, our human hopes and fears are almost the same. To me, this argues strongly against the utility of thinking in spiritual terms, unless your hope/intent is to harness external spirit-energy. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the term for that is "magic". I don't believe in it. But since we have such similar hopes, intentions and even sense of difficulty ... I'd like to argue that believing in or talking about spirit (or magical power) is secondary to the real meat of it: hope, purpose, meaning. The universal human desiderata.

I hope this makes sense. cn
hmm, I see it going hand in hand though. stuff & 'meat' just happens but hope and meaning only just arrived on an evolutionary scale. Its time we start putting it to work for us.

Makes me wonder why we develloped a sense for 'hope' in the first place. Prolly it has got to do when we simultaniously develloped a free will.

Without hope no meaning and without meaning we'd all go extinct prolly. Like untill the last man standing passes away due to lack of 'meaningfull' compassion that was supposed to help us keeping us around in the first place?

quote CB:I am convinced that man's basic condition is a deep and utter loneliness.

I like to think that a deep & utter loneliness would be for the entity that's been thinking up this whole damn show called universe & beyond, nomatter who or what might have been responsible for that eheh. :) Maybe it was just the concept of lonelyness that caused it to happen hahaha. :D

But on a personal note, I honestly don't see man having no any 'basic conditions' at all, we are shifting continuesly from temporary reality to temporary reality until the final one.


Ursus marijanus
I have no way of knowing if that is so. Imo the big thing that just arrived on the evolutionary scale is sapience, self-awareness, the capacity to ask "who, how, why am I?"

I read your statement It's time we start putting it to work for us. as basically meaning "Now what am I going to DO with it?" Interesting wrinkle, and eminently practical! cn


Well-Known Member
I would leave the world that way how it is now. I`d help some people only those who really needs help, not material values just give em Motivation and confidence.


Active Member
Your protestations notwithstanding, offthehook ... I will begin with a comment on the bolded. As an atheist and perhaps even agnostic, I do not know that I carry a spark of divinity. I question the entire concept of soul.
As for whether there is an engaged, external divine or not, that is where my agnosticism seems to lie, and I won't belabor the point.

That done, I will now play by your rules.
~deep breath~ if I were God, and the Universe and its seedling Humanity my creations ...
My highest aspiration would be to procreate. I would want Nature (as I framed it) to have the potential to bring forth minds that could one day match and even exceed my own.
So for those minds I would need to prepare an environment that captures the golden optimum of comfort and challenge. Too much comfort, and people wither. too much challenge, and they wear down.
As a felicitous consequence, people faced with just the right amount of challenge are not only the most productive, the most contributing to the race's advancement ... but thy also seem to be happiest.

But here's the thing. Parents (those sneaks by training!) know that their children play very differently if they think they might be watched. Perhaps a similar principle would apply to a superparent. Given the harsh binary choice between being known as the god-creator (and involved in micromanaging mankind) vs. staying hidden (and allowing us our own failures and triumphs, even at the cost of our profound cosmic loneliness) i would choose the latter. It's a sad platitude about mankind that adversity builds character, while ease erodes it. I would hope and plan and wait for the day when that tyranny of the morality of hardship is no longer necessary ... because on that day my race of beloved creatures would enter adulthood.
WOW ! talk about rivers of life,that was excellent:clap: ..have you been smoking my.. focus enhancerbongsmiliethat sounded like what GOD would want:clap: