What you think?


Active Member
Hey just joined up last night, and im super new to this. So it seems that the hairs are pretty much all white, some are starting to turn brown but it only seems to be the tips of each hair. Here is what i got going.

Feed back on if i should still be fertilizing them and when i can chop and smoke.

Its starting to get cold up here in Canada too.. so im afraid that i might have to pull early. Will it totally fuck it up if i pull how they look now?



Well-Known Member
you should harvest when your trichomes are mostly amber. But you could harvest before then depending on what kinda high you want.

If you arent ferting, then you prolly should be, use a big bloom fert or any bloom fert with low N and high PK.


Active Member
i stopped ferting about 1 week ago, should i go out and buy more and continue... and if so, should i attempt to uproot them and pot them in the house? It will be frost shortly.


Well-Known Member
Take them after the frost... if you transplant them in that stage of flowering. it may just die. cannabis can survive @ 32 F your better off letting them go as long as possible... you wont get high if you take them now.


Active Member
well i took a snip and hung it just to test out the product. I'll keep holding out , you think a week? a few... a month?


Active Member
very pretty girls....when sampling, hang it to dry for a day or two, then cut up the bud into small bits and dry it over a light bulb keeping the foil about 3" above the bulb, it will dry quickly. Do not over dry, it should still be a bit sticky.
I would only do this with a small amount of weed.....it will always be better if you can wait, and dry & cure properly.....I know! this will damage the bud, but it is the best way I've found to get a quick taste and sense of the quality....small amounts only.


Well-Known Member
I'm in Quebec so I get the cold thing... I'd start to flush now and go a week or so more (depending where you are), but you should be OK...As said before its the trichs, not the hairs you watch...... good stuff dude...+rep


Active Member
Just wanted to say thanks for the help, glad i joined this site. Taking all this info in and will hold out for a few more weeks. If there is anything else please don't hold back. Here is the clipping i snipped off and cut back. Hope i did it ok lol.



Active Member
no idea, my dealer just gave them too me.. 2 plants and i salvaged them. tell you one thing... this is killing me ... he's not around, i got no green and its just hanging there to dry. I need another source i think haha.

1 plant is smaller. not as much sunlight compared to the one i have posted.


Well-Known Member
TRY and hold out...shit im a week in to curing and i been in my jar twice to get buds to smoke lol...its so hard to wait!