whats a vaporizer


Active Member
A vaporiser as in an instrument which vaporises your MJ so that you might inhale 100% of the smoke?
As long as you can roll i'm sure you don't need one, although they can be fun.


Well-Known Member
A vaporizor turns the crystals into vapor so you donot inhale any smoke at all. It is a clean, healthier alternative. Great high but expensive compared to a pack of zigzags. I vaporize and also smoke. Peace.


Well-Known Member
a vaporizer heats the weed up to 180 degrees farenheit.
This is hot enough to release active chemicals in weed without burning the actual weed
This will alow the thc to become activated and released with little to no smoke.
This device will give you pure thc without carcinogenics...


Well-Known Member
A vaporizer is a device for smoking herbs. It uses a heat source to heat the herb without burning, but rather by vaporizing.
When marijuana is used in a vaporizer, the vaporizer produces a white cloud of THC rich vapor. Since the marijuana is not burned, it is much cooler than a joint and contains less tar.

The vaporizer uses a heating element rather than a flame. If marijuana is heated from 338 F to 372 F, the THC vaporizes. This is not hot enough for it to burn so it does not produce as many of the toxins that burning it does.

Well first of all the vapor is not as harsh on the throat (though the taste can take some getting used to). Burning marijuana requires higher temperatures than vaporization does. The heat of the burning destroys some of the THC (making it less potent).

Not only that but a recent study found that water filtration systems are worse for the lungs than joints. This is because the increase the amount of tars in the smoke per unit of THC (thus one must inhale more tars to get the same amount of THC). This same study found that only vaporizers contain less tar per amount of THC than joints.


Well-Known Member
Or for people that have problems with copd or other breathing problems. Or just those concerned with the effects of smoking on their lungs.