What's goin on with my girls, again?


This is the third time this grow that this has happened. I'm in week 6 of flower right now. Happened early veg, late veg, and now late flower. Eight week strain.

I'm following cocoforcannabis nutrient guide to a T.

They're in coco, hand watered at least 2x a day but usually 4-5, 20% runoff at least once per day but it's usually more.

Can anyone tell me what I'm deficient in now?



Well-Known Member
In a percentage of situations, the nute imbalance is a symptom of environmental conditions. Given that this keeps happening and you're confident that your nutrient mix is good, I'd look in that direction.

What are your temperature and RH values?


Well-Known Member
Do they ever get bone dry at the top overnight? Sounds like inconsistent feeding. Plants love the consistency of timers and nutrient solution.

I started out following coco for canna and quickly found I couldnt add calmg to the mix like he says to. Also few other things I dont follow that cant think of right now.

So yea id take that with a grain of salt. Whats the runoff reading? Whats your water source and the ec of that?

I usually update the same thread so most the info dont have be re explained and you get like 10 peoples attention at once that already were helping.