Whats going on? Help


Well-Known Member
Well just transplanted yesterday..they looked saggy and droopy before I did but I thought probably root bound...It has been cold here where I am and think might be cold when light goes off, so today changed it to 24 hrs light, the water I been giving them was pretty cold, tho...I ph my feed and my water...what could this be? And yes I used Cal Mag but only when I feed not water..my water containers do have a little green alge type look at the bottom..idk if that matters...thanks in advance for any advice and constructive criticism.



Well-Known Member
They look dry....sagging leaves, soil looks dry, gap between edge of dirt and pot. Also they look under fed.
Hard to say cuz u didn't say what kind of soil/medium they are in, but if it's a medium with no fertilizers then u should feed them.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell the colors of the leaves with that light.
How often do you water them? Looks over watered.