What's going on this time??


So after a failed attempt I started again, germinated fine in jiffy pellet etc.

Put that into a small pot with b&q Verve multi purpose compost as the all mix I used before was way to hot for seedlings and was one of the reasons they didn't make it.

Temps are constant in day at 27 with around 30-35°c humidity and down to 20°c during lights off.

Water ph'd to 6 and watering 6-8ml every 2 days at same times.

What could be wrong now? Has been fine up until today, and is 12 days from germination.

Just to add, soil in pics is wet as I have given more water when I found it like this in case it was simply dehydrated. gave it a good sprinkle all over the soil (not to run off though and not completely saturated)20200421_200100.jpg20200421_200048.jpg
This is in a tent and I have 2 lights, a sf1000 approx 18 inches away and a unknown brand 300w blurple led right in the top corner.
I did start it under the 300w blurple for the first 7 days, I hoped that it would have been able to take the extra light now it had started growing and would use the extra light?. I've raised it up around 25 inches, can maybe get it to 30 inches away
Appriciate the help here mate I really do!

I'll try the blurple on it again for now and turn the sf light off for now!
Lowered the blurple back down and switched off the other light for now.

Seems others grows i see are much larger by this stage, mine look 3 days old after nearly 2 weeks!
So after a failed attempt I started again, germinated fine in jiffy pellet etc.

Put that into a small pot with b&q Verve multi purpose compost as the all mix I used before was way to hot for seedlings and was one of the reasons they didn't make it.

Temps are constant in day at 27 with around 30-35°c humidity and down to 20°c during lights off.

Water ph'd to 6 and watering 6-8ml every 2 days at same times.

What could be wrong now? Has been fine up until today, and is 12 days from germination.

Just to add, soil in pics is wet as I have given more water when I found it like this in case it was simply dehydrated. gave it a good sprinkle all over the soil (not to run off though and not completely saturated)View attachment 4541129View attachment 4541130
You’re soil looks like chewing tobacco so I don’t know.
You’re soil looks like chewing tobacco so I don’t know.
The Verve multi-purpose soil from b&q seems to be quite well recommended for seedlings among growers all over various forums that was why I opted to give it a try. I will be potting up into AllMix so as the not give the seedling the full blast of nutes from it.
What are people's thoughts on the volume of water I was giving? 6-8ml every two days, seemed to be doing fine on that routine for the last 8 days!
When my plants are that small I don’t feed on a specific volume of water, more like until I get a little bit of run off, but not a lot. Over watering is the biggest issue most people face when the plants are small. And I always water around the edges, never in the center. Try to make the roots go searching for the water instead of giving it directly to them.
I will check when I am home later to see if this has recovered.
I was wondering why my seedlings are so small! 2 weeks and they are the size of others after only a week?
Should I try pointing a fan more towards them to give more breeze? Raise light higher to begin with perhaps to encourage them to reach just a little? This will be my 3rd failed grow in total if this one doesn't make it, and seeds are not cheap!
Still no change

Will pot up as planned into allmix after giving the new soil a good soaking and leave for a few more days to see if it picks up.

Does anyone have anything else I could possibly try?
That thing is no where near ready to repot.
I wouldn't think it was by the size of it, but wanted to try get it out of that soil to see if it makes a difference. Also having it outside today in natural light to see if that helps it pick up.

Is there anything else I could/could have tried?
I wouldn't think it was by the size of it, but wanted to try get it out of that soil to see if it makes a difference. Also having it outside today in natural light to see if that helps it pick up.

Is there anything else I could/could have tried?

It's still a seedling and extremely fragile I would advise against moving it now. If I had to guess you are overwatering. The SF light would be fine to use, but A LOT farther away. at that young of a seedling I had mine 30" away.