Whats going on with this 2 month old ?


Was growing fine for month then all a sudden started going downhill, can anyone help me out and diagnose my problem? shes got lil white spots all over, every leaf..Been watering it everyday with 95 degree temps and have 2 others same atmosphere, flourishing..Thanks



Well-Known Member
plants rarely die from mite infestation, but it will be stunted. there are plenty of oils and organic insecticides that do not harm you plant that will keep the mites at bay, almost impossible to get rid o them all. the rest of the mites will leave during the drying process to seek out water, worst case senario it will yeild less and you'll smoke some spider webs.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys can i buy these at like home depot walmart lowes?
I got neem oil at my local ACE store so I imagine you should find them in the garden areas of home depot and lowes for sure. Maybe @ wal mart this time of year.


Active Member
I use ladybugs for mites, but as said above, there are a variety of insecticides and oils. If you use lady bugs make sure the area you want them is wet, and they'll take care of those pesky bugs. If it's dry, some might stay but most will just fly away. Good luck. Cheers!


Active Member
Have you looked at the underside of the leaves with a magnifier of any type? Make sure you know what you're seeing before you act, if you have pests that's where they'll be, not on the topside of the leaf.

Good luck :)