What's happening to my auto?


Well-Known Member
I've never had this happen before & would like to know whats happening?
Thanks in advance...
I think its an og auto.


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When did it go out side and what was your light cycle before it move out?
If i had to take a gander she was mature before you had long enough days to maintain veg cycle so she bloomed then the days got longer. Reveg is stressful and takes a bit of time for the new growth to show up
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It looks like it's had lightning issues? Way too much far red can make a plant look like that
How would it flower in the first place outside, if its not auto? I grew one next to it & its fine.. exactly same sunlight conditions.
Couple of pics.


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Where do you live?
If it's in the northern hemisphere, those plants shouldn't be flowering yet........unless they're autos, but autos don't reveg.
Good looking plant.
I purposely used autos. Due to not wanting any light problems outside.... someone said it can't be auto if re-vegging... but it wouldn't have flowered in the 1st place if it wasn't an auto...