Whats it gonna take to get a pound?


Active Member
What kind of setup will it take to get at least a pound. i have a pretty good swazi kush strain that gets a pretty good yield and i plan on using co2. i need to know how many plants, how tall, type of system, lights, etc.....


Well-Known Member
depends on the genes and a few other things such as, what's your budget? how much room do you have? and so on. Your not going be able to get pounds unless you have the jack to spend.


Well-Known Member
If you do a DWC setup with a 1000w HPS and nine plants you could easily pull yourself a pound.

9 bubble buckets is cheap, the only pricey thing would be perhaps an air pump sufficient enough to run a good amount of air through each bucket. Each bucket would cost at maximum $10 to make, even buying pre-made buckets and net pot lids from the hydro store should run about this price.

Actually, done right, 9 plants might get you far more than that. Depends on how you handle them, and if you train them or not.


Active Member
well i have a freind who owns a hydro shop so money is not an object. i have made a few homemade aero rubbermaid tubs. i havent used them yet but they look pretty good. i have a few places that i can build a room but dont know how much space i should use. basically i just looking for a few people who yield a pound or so, and have them give me a basic run down of there setup.


Well-Known Member
I can go into more detail later, but firstly, let me recommend a few basic things. (I'm not sure on your knowledge or experience level so we'll leave that out for now)

- Aeroponic setup (not a funk aerogarden - a proper bought or decent DIY aero setup) DIY Aeroponic combined with DWC systems are easy to build and really effective!
- Good hydro nutrients (e.g CANNA Aqua and additives - Or ask your hydro store guy/girl for something cheaper that they would recommend)
- 600W HPS - Digital Ballast with Turbo mode would be best! (and a decent shade/reflector) - Once you get good the age old goal of 1 gram per Watt should be achievable 600 Grams = 21.16 Ounces = 1.32 Pounds <- There's your pound! You can use a 1000W HPS if you're happy to pay the power bill to make the pound that much easier, but it's safe to say it has been done with 600 watters before :)
- approx. 1m x 1m x 1.5m (tall) - preferably 2m grow box or tent - all line in white
- decent ventilation fan - such a centrifugal fan of some sort. Passive air intake is all good.
- Couple of 15cm desk fans for air circulation
- Dehumidifier if you live in a humid environment - can probably get away without it if you are in a low rH area and have good airflow.
- A GOOD STRAIN <- INVEST SOME EXTRA $$$ IN A DECENT STRAIN Random strains can be grown with awesome success, but for the best success, I would recommend you invest in a good strain. For yield plus quality, stick with something along the lines of:
(Pricey yes - But well worth the investment. Remember, one seed is a thousand clones!)

- AK-47 (Make sure its the Serious Seeds version / The original versoin!!!)
- Super Silver Haze (Green House Seeds)

List can continue, but you may already have questions and I have things to do! :)

P.S - Feel free to check out my current Aero trials in the link in my signature, may help to give you a few more ideas??? Link here also :D -> https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/167131-greenx-aero-trials-grow-1-a.html


Well-Known Member
Gurilla growing has never failed me every plant produce at least 1/2 pound easy.but if you want a pound indoors depending on the size of the grow area grow big veg for alot longer.or anothe great tip is to grow small but fill the grow room with them u want pots that will hold at least 2/ mugs of compst and perlite.then has soon has the clones take get them on bud each plant should produce at least 1 ounce but have the lights realy close and the plant will become 1 big bud great way of getting a large yeiled.the reason for such big yeilds of small plants is that they get optimon lighting.it is a bit of a bitch to feed so u bought 2 trays about 12 ince deep with a lid on cut a slot out off the bottom end and raised one side this way you can poor water onto the tray let the plants soak up all the nute and the rest will go into sealed tub unerneath.once the roots show in the small pots on the bottom i made the holes bigger so the roots can grow through int the run of water it soon becomes dry. Put a fish tank air stone in this water so the roots can get plenty of oxagean out of it.

Brick Top

New Member
3 oz per plant so figure it out.

If the grower is new I would suggest thinking more along the lines of 2 ounces per plant. That way they will likely be covered for any problems they encounter that will likely reduce their yield and also cover for any portion(s) of their setup that is not quite up to snuff. They may end up with more than they planned for but that is always better than growing fewer plants and ending up with less than is hoped for.

Once proficient and with a fine tuned system fewer plants can be grown to achieve a hoped for yield.