Whats peoples thoughts on this site over the years


Active Member
People that have been here for years would you say the site has changed much I've not been on for like 8 years and not currently been on enough recently to gage the difference but does seem different on here compared to then just wondering what other people's opinions are
It's changed a bit since legalization. In 14 years I've gone from a hobbyist in a closet, to working at corporate grow, to back into my little closet. I thank RIU for the knowledge over the years, some of it useful, some of it entertaining, the rest was mostly reading too much big grow ego and bullshit.

Mostly just here for the banter that isn't news/political related these days and the funny pics thread. I'm not giving anyone advice or taking advice from anyone, or bragging about bullshit, just growing and chatting. For my needs, the info section is mostly useless, I saw every deficiency, toxicity, burn, mold, fungus, and bug possible at the corporate grow in under a year. I had to get off work and come home to see a healthy plant, which explains why I quit.

Either way, all the forums really need is some cal-mag and about 3 more weeks. It'll be fine.
I love it, but mostly because I have always loved forum life. Each forum has its own set of unwritten "bylaws". BOUTAPOUND doesn't slay anywhere else like it does here :lol:

I lurked for years befpre I joined, but I wasn't a grower then so most of what I read just kind of flew over my head. . ..but now, I'm grasping a vast majority of the lingo and abbreviations, etc.