Whats starting to happen with my baby? :( (pics inside)


got a little ak48 its roughly about 3 weeks old, it was looking so sexy until like a week ago when i noticed a little brown bit on one of the lower leaves but now its got a few more and im getting worried its gona get worse :( so can anyone tell me whats going wrong and how i can help her?

light -125 cfl
soil - bio bizz all mix
nutes - none yet
temp - 27 degrees
humidity - 20 percent



Well-Known Member
hi, just a thought but all mix can be a bit hot and give nute burn to young plants, not allways but defo sometimes, the light mix is a bit cooler and allows more control for when they are young, that said looking nice though


hi, just a thought but all mix can be a bit hot and give nute burn to young plants, not allways but defo sometimes, the light mix is a bit cooler and allows more control for when they are young, that said looking nice though
yea man i was thinking it was the all mix, but i thought it would have burned earlier as it was fine for the first 2 weeks but anyway she still looks healthy il just keep an eye on it over the next few days and see if it gets any worse. thanks for the reply


Well-Known Member
yeah, id say that as theyre young theyve not really been searching for food, using the light as such but now theyre growing she needs to take more up through the roots hence the burn, ive even had it with the light mix, had to repot into some emrgency soil all i had about was john innes seedling and that worked a treat, so now i start em in that go to light after 2-3 weeks then veg in light and go to all mix on final pot up for flowering, seems to work, just keep an eye on her, if it looks like its getting to bad either repot into light or you could try flushing both will be an option (but id repot) its all stress but still less stress then burn
good luck