Whats the deficiency here


Havent used any nutes yet . 2 600mh's in happy frog soil and the plants are white rhino and deep purple and the temp is 78 . Humidity is at 69%

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Well-Known Member
Is happy frog not good ?

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Happy frog is good stuff. It just isn't as "hot" as the ocean forest(FFOF). Therefore, will usually require feeding way before the FFOF. Alls I was saying :-)
I start my cuts(for outdoor) in that stuff. Then into some "hotter" soil.
Are you going to be transplanting into larger pots? Are you going to keep it organic? Or are you going to switch, and feed them with synthetics?
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I have them im 3 gallon pots now i use general hydroponics 3 part ph perfect micro grow and bloom

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Well-Known Member
Looks like calcium-magnesium deficent, try botanicare cal-mag and follow feeding instuctions exact, easy to cause burn with overdosing this product. If using RO water, this is normal and easy problem to fix, after giving full dose, try cutting back to half dose every third watering, its a good thing to add throughout plant life except the last three weeks of flowering, my preference anyway. Good luck and happy harvest..